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Archiv 'Verschiedenes'

Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Viruswarnung II
Virus Help Denmark hat noch einen Installer des 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' Linkvirus gefunden. Der Installer befindet sich im dem Archiv 'S-Exec12.lha', welches bis vor kurzem im Aminet war.

Es gibt nach wie vor keine Möglichkeit, das Virus zu entfernen. Das Virus infiziert innerhalb weniger Minuten mehrere Hundert Dateien, indem nunmehr 3748 Bytes drangehängt werden. Virus Help Denmark hat allerdings eine Lösung gefunden, wie man das Virus erkennen kann: Nach dem Entpacken des Archives zunächst die Dateien in einen Text-Editor laden und nach folgendem String fahnden:


Wenn Sie diesen String in weiteren Archiven finden, schicken Sie es bitte an Virus Help Denmark. Jan Erik Olausen arbeitet bereits an einem Update der xvs.library.

Hier die komplette Meldung:
Here we go again....... Yet, again another installer of the new virus 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00'.

Again there is "NO" cure for this virus right now. You can find infected files, you will have to replace the infected files with new clean files. This installer will install the 'Hitch-Hiker v5.00' virus will add 3748 bytes to every infected file, and place it self in memory, so you will have to watch out for that as well. This virus will infect anything that it can get into.

There is a way to see if the archive you download is an installer of this virus, all you have to do is to unpack the archive, read the file in an texteditor (eg. CygnusEd), and search for this text string in the code (THIS IS ONLY FOR THE INSTALLER):


If you find -=COVAH=- in the code, that is an installer of this virus then please send he archive to us.

The virus size has change this time, now it is 3748 bytes.

In the code (decoded), you can read:

Hitch-Hiker Millenium (5.00) Featuring the Hitcher's Advanced Versatile Optimizing Codemix Engine A welcome present for Jan Erik by xxxxxx/xxx! -= On Tour 1995-2001 =-

(VHT-Denmark removed the names of the programmer handle, and replaced it with 'xxxxxx')

If this is a welcome present for Jan Erik Olausen, the programmer of VirusExecutor & xvs.library, I think that he would rather have a cold beer. But he will surely put recog. for Hitch-Hiker 5.00 in the new update of xvs.library...

The archive was uploaded to AmiNet, but it has been removed now. (Thanks Urban).

This is what we know of the virus:

Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus name.... : Hitch-Hiker 5.00 (Millenium)
Virus size.... : 3748 bytes
Archive name.. : S-Exec12.lha
Archive size.. : 9.905 bytes (lha packed)
Installer name : LibBase3.10
Installer size : S-Exec
Archive info.. : Compress executables.

There might just be more installers of the 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' virus out there, we have found 3 archive in 2 days. If you find anything please send it to us.

The 'xvs.library' (external Virus Scanner library) will be updated as soon as possible. In the mean time, take care...

Thanks to D. Olsen for the info about the archive and to Ronald Dijk for sending the archive to us.

[Meldung: 19. Aug. 2001, 00:37] [Kommentare: 2 - 19. Aug. 2001, 16:32]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox erklärt deren Preispolitik für Treiber-Software
Wie bereits berichtet, hat Elbox am 16.08.2001 eine kostenpflichtige CD mit Treiber-Software angekündigt. Das hat zu großen und umfangreichen Diskussionen geführt. In der nachfolgenden E-Mail erklärt Elbox deren Preispolitik:

ELBOX Computer explains its policy about driver pricing

1. The purpose of MEDIATOR

To ENABLE the POSSIBILITY of using a wide range of standard PCI cards.

'The MEDIATOR PCI busboard line is designed to enable expanding the Amiga with a wide range of standard PCI cards like Graphic cards, Ethernet and Fast Ethernet network cards, Modem cards, ISDN cards, USB and SCSI cards, Sound cards and Multimedia cards: TV tuner and MPEG-2 hardware decoders.

Expanding the Amiga with the MEDIATOR PCI busboard opens the way to employing the power of the latest PowerPC G3/G4 processors in Amiga, around which SharkPPC and SharkPPC+ cards are based.'

However, it does not mean that we will prepare ALL the possible drivers for ALL the possible devices and their different versions.

We want to enhance Amiga's effectiveness and give Amiga community access to low-cost, good and widely-available PCI cards.

As a starter, we have included some drivers in the initial pack of the Mediator busboard:

PCI Graphic cards: Voodoo5 5500 64MB, Voodoo4 4500 32MB, Voodoo3 3000 16MB, Voodoo3 2000 16MB, Voodoo Banshee 16 MB, S3 ViRGE 86C325 2MB, S3 ViRGE 86C325 4MB, S3 ViRGE/DX 86C375 2MB, S3 ViRGE/DX 86C375 4MB

PCI Ethernet cards: Winbond 89C940F, RealTek RTL-8029, NetVin NV5000S.C., Holtek HT80232, Holtek HT80229, Compex RL2000, SureCom NE34, KTI ET32P2, Via 86C926.

These drivers have never been free. Their price was included in the original design costs.

New drivers have to be calculated separately because...

2. No commercial software is free

Writing good and versatile software (e.g. Mediator drivers) requires time and effort, which ultimately means programmers have to receive good salaries. If users want to be supported in the long run by any company, they have to pay for its products. Money collected allows generating new ideas, new designs and new products.

3. Free alternative approach (which we do NOT follow)

Yes, we could offer software for free. We could have bought hundreds of old-fashioned PCI sound cards just a few Mark per piece (like e.g. SB Pro). Then we could write drivers to this specific batch of cards. Easy way, supporting one chipset, one specific card, branded with our name and marketed as unique. As these cards would be unique, they would have to priced high enough, say at DM 100. With "free" drivers, of course.

What's the result? You would buy an OUTDATED low-featured no-longer-supported card, paying mega-bucks not for the card but for quick software and huge extra profits for the "manufacturer."

4. Instead we give...

RESPECT. The basic rule with Elbox is that we FIRST develop, design and test and only when everything is ready and in the final stage do we announce new products. In other words, we take the risk and full cost of the designing stage. We do not demand from users making pre-payments, placing pre-orders, etc. In other words, we respect the users as full-scale Customers, who deserve to be offered a final-stage product to choose whether to take it or not, depending on their needs.

Another basic rule for us is that we prepare universal drivers, i.e. drivers supporting various chipsets. This ensures faulty-free support for many different versions of the same card. Writing software with this prerequisite in mind takes much more time and tests than writing drivers for one specific chipset/card. But what we offer is UNIVERSALITY and PERFORMANCE.

Mariusz Wloczysiak
ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department

[Meldung: 18. Aug. 2001, 19:08] [Kommentare: 115 - 20. Aug. 2001, 22:17]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Viruswarnung!
Virus Help Denmark hat einen weiteren Installer des 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' Linkvirus gefunden. Der Installer befindet sich im dem Archiv 'libBase310.lha', welches bis heute morgen im Aminet war.

Es gibt nach wie vor keine Möglichkeit, das Virus zu entfernen. Das Virus infiziert innerhalb weniger Minuten mehrere Hundert Dateien, indem 3720 Bytes drangehängt werden. Virus Help Denmark hat allerdings eine Lösung gefunden, wie man das Virus erkennen kann: Nach dem Entpacken des Archives zunächst die Dateien in einen Text-Editor laden und nach folgendem String fahnden:


Wenn Sie diesen String in weiteren Archiven finden, schicken Sie es bitte an Virus Help Denmark.

Hier die komplette Meldung:
We have found another the installer of the new 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' linkvirus.

Again there is "NO" cure for this virus right now. You can find infected files, you will have to replace the infected files with new clean files. The 'Hitch-Hiker v5.00' virus will add 3732 bytes to every infected file, and place it self in memory, so you will have to watch out for that as well. This virus will infect anything that it can get into. Again I ran a test on my A1200 and it infected will over 400 files, in under 3 minutes.

There is a way to see if the archive you download is an installer of this virus, all you have to do is to unpack the archive, read the file in an texteditor (eg. CygnusEd), and search for this text string in the code (THIS IS ONLY FOR THE INSTALLER):


If you find -=COVAH=- in the code, that is an installer of this virus then please send the archive to us.

The virus size has change this time, now it is 3720 bytes. That tells us that the virus uses polymorph routine, that means that the virus can change in size.

This virus comes from Poland again, just like the other viruses that we have found in the last 6 month. But why don't you guy's program something usefull, that everyone can enjoy?

In the code (decoded), you can read:

Hitch-Hiker Millenium (5.00)
Featuring the 1's Advanced V8sA Op'miz Code
A welcom user of VRU!
-= 1995-2 =-
-= HAVOC =-

The archive was uploaded to AmiNet, but it has been removed now. (Thanks Urban).

This is what we know of the virus:

Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus name.... : Hitch-Hiker 5.00 (Millenium)
Virus size.... : 3720 bytes
Archive name.. : LibBase310.lha
Archive size.. : 47.711 bytes (lha packed)
Installer name : LibBase3.10
Installer size : 42.304 bytes
Archive info.. : Scans Memory for Libs/Tasks etc

There might just be more installers of the 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' virus out there, today we found 2 archives. If you find anything please send it to us.

The 'xvs.library' (external Virus Scanner library) will be updated as soon as possible. In the mean time, take care...

Thanks to Petra Struck & Alfred, for sending the archive to us.

Anmerkung der Redaktion:
Da sich Alfred Sturm, der für die Aminet-Uploads hier bei zuständig ist, wie wir inzwischen festgestellt haben, gestern dieses aggressive Virus "eingefangen" hat, indem er LibBase310.lha installiert und ausprobiert hat, wird es in nächster Zeit keine Aktualisierung der Aminet-Uploads geben.

Das Virus hat leider nicht nur seine Hauptpartition erfasst, sondern auch die Partition mit seinem Backup. Infizierte Files lassen sich teilweise nicht einmal löschen. Er ist nun gezwungen, seinen Rechner von Grund auf neu zu installieren. Das kann dauern, da mühsam selbstgeschriebene Skripte futsch sind und alles erstmal wieder zusammengesucht werden muss. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Aug. 2001, 11:50] [Kommentare: 13 - 18. Aug. 2001, 19:20]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Hitch-Hiker v5,00 linkvirus found
Virus Help Denmark hat den Installer des neuen Linkvirus ´Hitch-Hiker 5.00´ in einem Archiv namens WBCycle21.lha gefunden. Derzeit gibt es noch keine Möglichkeit, das Virus zu erkennen bzw. zu eliminieren. Das Virus versteckt sich im Speicher und hängt 3732 Bytes an jede greifbare Datei, und es verbreitet sich in Windeseile. Wenn Sie veränderte Dateien finden, ersetzen Sie diese durch die Originaldateien.

Hier die komplette Originalmeldung:

We have found the installer of the new 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' linkvirus.

There is "NO" cure for this virus right now. You can find infected files, you will have to replace the infected files with new clean files. The 'Hitch-Hiker v5.00' virus will add 3732 bytes to every infected file, and place it self in memory, so you will have to watch out for that as well. This virus will infect anything that it can get into. And on my test A1200 over 400 files, was infected in under 3 minutes.

This virus comes from Poland again, just like the other viruses that we have found in the last 6 month. But why don't you guy's program something usefull, that everyone can enjoy?

In the code (decoded), you can read:

Hitch-Hiker Millenium (5.00)
Featuring the 1's Advanced V8sA Op'miz Code
A welcom user of VRU!
-= 1995-2 =-
-= HAVOC =-

The archive was uploaded to AmiNet, but we stopped the archive before it got on-line for reel. (Thanks Urban).

This is what we know of the virus:

Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus name.... : Hitch-Hiker 5.00 (Millenium)
Virus size.... : 3732 bytes
Archive name.. : WBCycle21.lha
Archive size.. : 25.818 bytes (lha packed)
Installer name : WBCycle
Installer size : 22.756 bytes
Archive info.. : Cycles a single WB colour to pretty up Windows.

This is a fake archive. The programmer of 'WBCycle', Steve Hargreaves has not released an update of WBCycle since v1.0.

There might just be more installers of the 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' virus out there. If you find anything please send it to us.

The 'xvs.library' (external Virus Scanner library) will be updated as soon as possible. In the mean time, take care...

Thanks to Thomas Klein for sending the archive to us.

[Meldung: 17. Aug. 2001, 19:49] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: Neue Umfrage
Die Redaktion der Amiga Future hat die Ergebnisse der letzten Umfrage veröffentlicht und eine neue Umfrage gestartet. Es geht um die Frage, ob die Leser lieber PC-Spiele auf den Amiga umgesetzt sehen möchten, oder dafür plädieren, dass eigene Spiele entwickelt werden. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Aug. 2001, 16:04] [Kommentare: 5 - 18. Aug. 2001, 21:09]
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Lars "Ghandy" Sobiraj (ANF)

Mailbox: Uphold The Law BBS wieder online!
Die reine Demoszene BBS "Uphold The Law" ist nach zwei Tagen Verzögerung und der Korrektur der zerstörten Userdaten wieder online. Gerade viele der deutschen Anrufer, die die IP in den Amiga News gesehen haben, verlangten nach Zugriff auf illegale Bereiche der Mailbox. Diese existieren hier nicht, es wird sie auch nie geben! Wer Raubkopien sucht, oder nicht bereit ist, seine Telefonnummer anzugeben, kann sich die Mühe sparen. Mit der Angabe der privaten Rufnummer versucht sich der Sysop gegen anonyme Cracker abzusichern. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Aug. 2001, 15:56] [Kommentare: 0]
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Richard Kapp (E-Mail)

GFX-BASE: Review der ArtEffect PlugIn CD-ROM und mehr
Auf der GFX-BASE können Sie ein Review der neu erschienenen PlugIn CD-ROM für ArtEffect lesen. Wir haben uns darin mit den neuen Möglichkeiten auseinandergesetzt, beschreiben die Installation und den Einsatz der PlugIns in der Praxis. (Darunter auch ein Tipp für WinUAE User). Auch sonst hat sich einiges auf der GFX-BASE getan: So ist es nun möglich, unser News-Archiv zu durchsuchen und es wurden alle bisher veröffentlichten Tutorials von unserem neuen Mitglied, Alexandre Balaban ins Französische übersetzt. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Aug. 2001, 15:50] [Kommentare: 0]
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Darkage Software

Darkage Software Website im neuen Layout
Die italienische Softwareschmiede Darkage, bekannt durch Spiele wie 'Tales from Heaven' und die 'Amiga Classix' CDs, hat seine Internetpräsenz durch eine komplett neu gestaltete Website aufgewertet und gleichzeitig die Produktseiten aktualisiert.

Von 'Supreme', dem neuen Amiga Video-Betitelungs-Programm, das im September erscheinen soll, sind erste Screenshots zu sehen. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Aug. 2001, 01:12] [Kommentare: 2 - 17. Aug. 2001, 10:14]
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