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Archiv 'Updates von Soft- und Hardwareprodukten'


Aminet-Uploads bis 29.12.2018
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 29.12.2018 dem Aminet hinzugefügt:
AmiX500.lha              comm/amiex 934K  68k AmiExpress BBS system redevel...
libpng1636_a68k.lha      dev/lib    1.6M  68k Lib for reading/writing PNG
libpng1636_aros.lha      dev/lib    1.9M  x86 Lib for reading/writing PNG
MCC_NList-0.125.lha      dev/mui    2.0M  MOS NList custom classes for MUI        game/actio 705K  x86 Advanced snake game
MCE.lha                  game/edit  2.0M  68k Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-OS4.lha              game/edit  2.5M  OS4 Multi-game Character Editor
webptools101_a68k.lha    gfx/conv   4.3M  68k encode/decode images in WebP ...
webptools101_aros.lha    gfx/conv   8.0M  x86 encode/decode images in WebP ...
Intro-Kreation-001_mo... gfx/show   9.3M  MOS Shows scroll texts w/ differe...
Intro-Kreation-001_OS... gfx/show   10M   OS4 Shows scroll texts w/ differe...
HappyKids.lha            mods/8voic 619K      Happy Kids 5-ch Soft Pop-Rock...
ITFC.lha                 mods/8voic 112K      In Time For Christmas 8-ch MM...
Pseudaxos_Xmas_Pack.lha  mods/xm    2.6M      New mods by Pseudaxos
CloverIcons.lha          pix/icon   167K  68k Full 4C replacement set for S...
CloverIcons-XTRA.lha     pix/icon   63K       Some additional 4 Color icons
SetMap.lha               util/cli   3K    68k Set keymap of console window
InstallerLG.i386-aros... util/sys   94K   x86 Commodore Installer replacement
InstallerLG.ppc-morph... util/sys   124K  MOS Commodore Installer replacement
InstallerLG.src.lha      util/sys   1.6M      Commodore Installer replacement
TRULS.lha                util/wb    47K   68k Universal Installers for Syst...

[Meldung: 30. Dez. 2018, 07:46] [Kommentare: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads bis 29.12.2018
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 29.12.2018 dem OS4Depot hinzugefügt:
reactive_crypto.lha      dri/mis 175kb 4.1 Hashing classes for Reactive
barony.lha               gam/rol 4Mb   4.1 3D, first-person roguelike.
frikingshark.lha         gam/shm 114Mb 4.1 modern remake of flying shark
prototype.lha            gam/shm 19Mb  4.1 modern remake of r-type
mce.lha                  gam/uti 2Mb   4.0 Multi-game Character Editor
dcraw.lha                gra/con 3Mb   4.0 CLI converter for camera raw files
mcc_nlist.lha            lib/mui 2Mb   4.0 NList custom classes for MUI
simplemail.lha           net/ema 1Mb   4.0 E-Mail Client using MUI
videoclipper.lha         vid/edi 427kb 4.0 Cut and/or join multiple format ...
simplesub.lha            vid/mis 3Mb   4.0 Create, edit and encode .srt sub...

[Meldung: 30. Dez. 2018, 07:46] [Kommentare: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads bis 29.12.2018
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 29.12.2018 den AROS-Archiven hinzugefügt:
aspireosupdate.lha           dev/mis 29Mb  Update to AspireOS codename "Obi...    doc/man 2Mb   Manual for Lodepaint  gam/str 46Mb  Opensource game inspired to civi...

[Meldung: 30. Dez. 2018, 07:46] [Kommentare: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage-Uploads bis 29.12.2018
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 29.12.2018 dem MorphOS-Storage hinzugefügt:
Iris_beta45.lha           Email                     New email client suppor...
Wyrmsun_3.5.0.lha         Games/Strategy            Wyrmsun is an open-sour...
BallGameHD_0.9.3.lha      Games/Think               Colourfull Free Softwar...
CPUGauge_1.6.lha          System/Ambient/Screenbar  CPU load as gauge in sc...
DateTime_1.3.lha          System/Ambient/Screenbar  A screenbar clock and c...
MemoryGauge_1.5.lha       System/Ambient/Screenbar  Display memory usage as...
MouseCoords_1.2.lha       System/Ambient/Screenbar  Display Mouse coordinat...
MouseEyes_1.2.lha         System/Ambient/Screenbar  Displays Mouse Eyes in ...
PixelPicker_1.2.lha       System/Ambient/Screenbar  Display ARGB value of a...
TopTasks_1.2.lha          System/Ambient/Screenbar  Display Top Tasks in sc...
Uptime_1.2.lha            System/Ambient/Screenbar  Display Uptime in scree...
MCC_NList_0.125.lha       System/MUI Classes        NList custom classes fo...

[Meldung: 30. Dez. 2018, 07:46] [Kommentare: 0]
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WHDLoad: Neue Pakete bis 29.12.2018
Mit WHDLoad können Spiele, Szene-Demos und Intros von Cracker-Gruppen, die nur für den Diskettenbetrieb gedacht waren, auf der Festplatte installiert werden. Die folgenden Installationspakete wurden bis zum 29.12.2018 hinzugefügt: (snx)

[Meldung: 30. Dez. 2018, 07:45] [Kommentare: 1 - 30. Dez. 2018, 15:21]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaRemix: Weitere Lieder hinzugefügt
AmigaRemix stellt neue Abmischungen bekannter Soundtracks von Amiga-Spielen als MP3-Dateien zum Herunterladen bereit. Seit unserer letzten Meldung kamen die folgenden Titel hinzu:
  • SuperFrog - World 4
  • Cadaver - Theme
  • Maupiti Island - Theme
  • Unreal - Flight Level (regular mix)

[Meldung: 30. Dez. 2018, 07:45] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Spielestarter: X-bEnCh 1.1 Final Public Release
Jim Nerays X-bEnCH ist eine grafische Oberfläche mit bis zu 640 Farben (AGA; 128 auf OCS/ECS-Rechnern), die zum Starten von WHDLoad-Spielen und sonstigen Anwendungen die Workbench ersetzen kann und wenig Ressourcen erfordert; zudem stehen eine integrierte Kommandozeile sowie der Dateimanager Xpl0rEr zur Verfügung (Video).

Zu den Neuerungen der finalen Version 1.1 zählen neben vielen Fehlerbereinigungen (z.B. bei Blockgrößen über 1024 Bytes) unter anderem eine akkuratere Ermittlung des Speichers und der Blockgrößen, Playlists mit bis zu 256 (statt zuvor 100) Modulen, die Unterstützung von bis zu 4096 durchsuchbaren Unterverzeichnissen innerhalb eines einzigen Verzeichnisses und ein Pattern-Filter für den Audioplaylists-Requester.

Download: xbench1.1f.lha (1 MB) (snx)

[Meldung: 28. Dez. 2018, 18:45] [Kommentare: 0]
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28.Dez.2018 (Webseite)

MorphOS: Updates für alle #AmigaZeux-Screenbars
Alle #AmigaZeux-Screenbars haben ein Update erfahren, welches die Stabilität verbessert und einige neue Funktionen mitbringt.

TopTasks.sbar V1.2

  • Added a context menu to entries in the PopWindow Top10 list to break-C/D/E/F/ALL the selected task or to set its priority.
  • Enabled zebra mode (stripes) for task list.
  • Label was overwritten if text was centered or right aligned. Fixed.
  • The Linefeed sneaked back in and got eliminated again (this time for good!). Thanks to jPV :-)
  • Tasknames were truncated to the size in prefs. This of course only works well for fixed fonts. Removed truncation.
  • Catalogs were copied to just locale:[language] and not locale:catalogs/. Fixed. You may want to delete the wrongly copied catalogs.
  • Added french translation by Philippe 'OffseT' Rimauro.
  • Prefs image/object handling was wrong and could lead to crashes. Fixed.

MouseCoords.sbar V1.2

  • Clicking the MouseCoords in the screen title now opens a small window that gives information about the underlying window of the mouse pointer when being moved around. Try it :-)
  • Added a "Distance Moved" window that shows some infos when clicking and holding LMB or MMB and an optional set of qualifiers and moving the mouse around. Threshold can be configured or switched off altogether.
  • Labels were always printed bold. It's now possible to turn bold on/off.
  • Catalogs were copied to just locale:[language] and not locale:catalogs/. Fixed. You may want to delete the wrongly copied catalogs.
  • Added french translation by Philippe 'OffseT' Rimauro.
  • Prefs image/object handling was wrong and could lead to crashes. Fixed.

PixelPicker.sbar V1.2

  • Clipboard Hotkey only copied the contents of Ambient Screenbar's instance. Now works with multiple screens.
  • Catalogs were copied to just locale:[language] and not locale:catalogs/. Fixed. You may want to delete the wrongly copied catalogs.
  • Added french translation by Philippe 'OffseT' Rimauro.
  • Prefs image/object handling was wrong and could lead to crashes. Fixed.
  • Hotkey was freed twice and could lead to crashes. Fixed.

DateTime.sbar V1.3

  • Label was overwritten with text if text was centered or right aligned. Fixed.
  • Switching between Months/Years/Decades could lead to window size changes and resulted in graphical artifacts on the left side if using transition animations.
  • Catalogs were copied to just locale:[language] and not locale:catalogs/. Fixed. You may want to delete the wrongly copied catalogs.
  • Added french translation by Philippe 'OffseT' Rimauro.
  • Prefs image/object handling was wrong and could lead to crashes. Fixed.

MouseEyes.sbar V1.2

  • Changed default pathes of images used by this screenbar to a more MorphOS convenient style from SYS:Prefs/Presets/ to SYS:Data/Screenbar/
  • Prefs icon is displayed again using MUIA_Screenbar_DisplayedImage.
  • Added a small install script.

CPUGauge.sbar V1.6

  • Label was overwritten if text was centered or right aligned. Fixed.
  • The label now gets properly scaled down respecting configured top/bottom spacing.
  • Changed default pathes of images used by this screenbar to a more MorphOS convenient style from SYS:Prefs/Presets/ to SYS:Data/Screenbar/
  • Prefs icon is displayed again using MUIA_Screenbar_DisplayedImage.
  • Added a small install script.

MemoryGauge.sbar V1.5

  • Label was overwritten if text was centered or right aligned. Fixed.
  • The label now gets properly scaled down respecting configured top/bottom spacing.
  • Changed default pathes of images used by this screenbar to a more MorphOS convenient style from SYS:Prefs/Presets/ to SYS:Data/Screenbar/
  • Prefs icon is displayed again using MUIA_Screenbar_DisplayedImage.
  • Added a small install script.

Uptime.sbar V1.2

  • Label was overwritten if text was centered or right aligned. Fixed.
  • The label now gets properly scaled down respecting configured top/bottom spacing.
  • Changed default pathes of images used by this screenbar to a more MorphOS convenient style from SYS:Prefs/Presets/ to SYS:Data/Screenbar/
  • Prefs icon is displayed again using MUIA_Screenbar_DisplayedImage.
  • Added a small install script.
Download-Seite (snx)

[Meldung: 28. Dez. 2018, 18:30] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

E-Mail-Programm: SimpleMail 0.45
Wie jedes Jahr ist auch diesmal zu Weihnachten ein Update des E-Mail-Programms SimpleMail für AmigaOS 3.x und AmigaOS 4 erschienen. Die Neuerungen der Version 0.45 umfassen neben Fehlerbereinigungen einen geringeren RAM-Verbrauch für Indizes, asynchrones Laden der Folder-Index-Dateien und eine Überarbeitung der italienischen Übersetzung. (snx)

[Meldung: 27. Dez. 2018, 08:55] [Kommentare: 3 - 27. Dez. 2018, 18:23]
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1 213 420 ... <- 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 -> ... 440 1203 1971

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