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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

M.Lueck (ANF)

GRex Petition status update
First of all we would like to thank you all for the support. Since Saturday 16:00 h up to now Monday 03:55 h 149 users have 'signed' and we to hope for more.

We had to slidely modify the Petition, since we did not know currently, which hardware documents Hyperion will need. Thank you at Steffen Häuser for these info. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2002, 09:26] [Comments: 0]
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Telepolis: Microsoft researchers - DRM no help against peer-to-peer file sharing
A team of four Microsoft researchers has come to the conclusion that DRM (Digital Rights Management) is no feasible way to act against peer-to-peer file sharing. According to the scientists, this also concerns watermark based copy protections systems, as devices with watermark detector are far less attractive to users than competitive products without detector.

The Telepolis acticle by Janko Röttgers is accessible through the title link. (sd)

[News message: 24. Nov. 2002, 21:54] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (email)

Amiga Arena: Astrologic full version
Astrologic full version
With permission by Peter Schütz may the Amiga Arena offer the full version of ASTROLOGIC the astrology program offer for downloading.

What is ASTROLOGIC? - ASTROLOGIC for everyone
ASTROLOGIC makes it possible for all interested users to cast/create in the easiest way character and partnership horoscopes/analysises. Expressive texts allow interesting comparisons referring to 'horoscope/reality'.

Together with this manual offers ASTROLGIC a deep view into the fascinating area of modern astrology the interested user.

ASTROLOGIC for astrologers: (excerpt)
ASTROLOGIC calculates exact birth, combin, composit, solar and lunar horoscopes as well as monthly ephemerids tables, transite and progressions until the year 4000 (!).

ASTROLOGIC knows next to the 10 stars/heavenly bodies the 5 most important planetoids, the luck point, the moon knot, the Medium Coeli, the moon phases and of course the ascendent. All in all it masters the 10 most known methods for houses peak calculation. Complete and clear output tables ease the professional astrologer the individual Deutung of the horoscopes.

ASTROLOGIC has been written with CanDo and only runs on PAL/ PAL interlace screens. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Nov. 2002, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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M.Lück (ANF)

Start of a GRex petition
M. Lück wrote:
Hello GRex users,

as you surely read on the homepage of CyberGraphX there'll be no GRex support in OS 4.0 as Hyperion haven't received any hardware/software documentation. Because of this we have decided to start this petition to get a chance to run OS4 on the GRex. It would only offer advantages to all, not only to OS4 but also to MorphOS, if the API of the cybpci.library would be open.

This is no flame call against DCE but the expression of the wish of the GRex users who want to have more drivers, programs and OS4 support. We hope that you'll take part.

The petition can be accessed under (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Nov. 2002, 17:14] [Comments: 0]
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