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Evil (Kommentar)

QUAG: More pictures from the AmiWest 2003 Show
Under the title link you'll find a number of new pictures from the AmiWest 2003 show which was held this weekend in Sacramento. The pictures are from the user group QUAG and thankfully subtitled. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 22:11] [Comments: 0]
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Evil (Kommentar)

Polarboing: Interview with Fleecy Moss
In the interview Fleecy Moss answers some questions around the AmiWest 2003 show. Fleecy was interviewed by Polarboing. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 19:54] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

USB: SUBWAY available again
E3B has resumed production of the Clockport USB controller SUBWAY due to increased user demand. The first modules from the very limited-lot production run are already available.

In the context of the ROMulus upgrade program we have so far been able to fulfill the high expectations set by us as regards swift processing: every single HIGHWAY sent to E3B for upgrading could be sent back to its owner already on the next day.

Tests and user reviews of our USB products can be found in two current issues of AmigaPlus (05/2003) and Total Amiga (Issue #15).

News in detail can be found on our Website under the heading of "News". (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 19:23] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Miller live from AmiWest 2003 (ANF)

Daniel Miller's Amiwest 2003 Show Report Part II
Before I leave a necessarily critical report of the MorphOS and Pegasos presentation on Saturday morning, I will do the single courtesy of stating that it was a setup-type problem that caused things to go haywire. As the presentation started there was an awkward several moments as the Pegasos which had just been hooked up to the projector failed to cooperate, requiring multiple reboots and typing in the open firmware command line. The presenters were unable to improvise effectively in the absence of stuff on the screen to click on and the presentation limped painfully on for about 15 minutes before ending rather prematurely.

A speaker came energetically up to begin the presentation at first but the problems started when Voyager was clicked on but failed to load. There was a reboot, and then another but the Pegasos wasn't finding the hard-drive or something. There was a lot of feverish typing from different people at the command line but thins just weren't going right. The speaker wasn't improvising very well. Other guys fom the Genesi team were running back and forth to get CDs or check things or fleeing for their lives or who knows what. In all it was less than professional and it's a good thing they presented early in the day so there weren't more people present to witness all the problems. After 10 or 12 minutes of pain the machine was booting MorphOS 1.4 off the CD and Bill Buck himself got up to try to rescue the show. He demonstrated just a couple things, Voyager running a very pretty Flash or Shockwave animation of butterflies and a new "Zoom Feature" of MorphOS in which any little part of the screen may be blown up in a dynamically updated resizable window. You can open a bunch of zoom windows and they all display very quickly. If you set the focus of the zoom window on a video, you see the blown up section of the video displayed in the window just as fast as the video plays. You can magnify to 2 or 4 or 8 or 16 times or whatever and open as many zoom windows as you want.

Bill stated that last week Genesi had obtained Marvell's approval to start using the G-4 in the new Pegasos 2 boards. Stated that he realized that MorphOS needed to be a bit farther along before being marketed to the average computer user. In this case however I felt that MorphOS was working fine. The problems in the presentation didn't have a whole heck of a lot to do with MorphOS. One of the presenters had commented that MorphOS 1.4 wasn't officially released, it was beta, and this was just the public introduction, but what little I saw looked fine to me.

I should mention that it was Nate Downes who appeared to be the one that finally got things going off the boot-CD. This presentation didn't go well at all, we'll see how they do on Sunday.

The OS4 demo on Saturday: this was a wonderfully executed presentation. Ray Zarling, graybearded Doctor of Matematics and long time Amiga believer conducted it, showing several Workbenchrelated features like window gradients, opaque window movement and right mouse click menus. Dr. Zarling was clearly a big Amiga fan, stating that "I waited 12 years to see the new OS. We can all see that it is real. I just can't wait for it to be finished."

The window gradient feature had a lot of options and the user can also set the thickness of the window title bars and so on. He showed the opaque window movement, moving the windows very slowly to make the effect look good. If you move the windows quickly I think you would see unsightly updates. As Dr. Zarling pointed out, that is because this is on a 200 MHz PPC and might not be a problem on a 800 MHz processor. Dr. Zarling stressed that configurability was a key part of OS4. He stated that there much of the upper level stuff (like Workbench) which runs emulated now will be rewritten for the shipping version of OS4. He stated that "OS4 is the official Amiga PPC OS."

He stated that what we were seeing did not use the 68K processor at all, it was all on the PPC. In question and answers after, I asked him to tell us about the machine running the demo. He stated that it was an Amiga 4000, I think he said with Cyberstorm PPC card. I asked about the use of the 68K processor and he said it was not being used at all except during the boot process to load up OS4 PPC..He stated that a brave owner could physically yank out the 68K processor after OS4 loaded and OS4 would continue to work, but he did not demonstrate this capability.

This presentation was conducted toward the back of the convention hall at the stand of Computer Connection where Amga Ones were for sale.

One of the best illustrations of te spirit of the Amiga community at Amiwest was the "Mr. Zoil" booth, where Glenn Fuller demonstrated the Amiga work of his son Ben, who died in 2002. Ben Fuller was known mainly for Project D, a disk coper, backup program and multipurpose tool which had some success during the Amiga's heyday in the late eightes and early nineties. Mr. Fuller stated that the last known version of Project D was from 1994. He said that Ben went on to do work on other computer systems but never gave up on what he considered "the Amiga vision."

Mr. Fuller explained that he and Ben attended Amiga conventions as a father and son activity,and he came to enjoy them very much. He said that if this were to be the last Amiwest owing to fading interest, he wanted to be here. But I told him what the event organizers told me, that things were going better than last year and interest seemed to be increasing, so it should not be a worry that ths is the last.

This will probably be my last report, because I am losing hotel Internet access at noon. I should touch on a few things, here and there. First, Mr. Hardware came all the way from New York City to sell Amiga wares. It was a brilliant move because they turned out to be the only all-around vendor here, and they are doing a lot of business. Umm, it was great of Jens Schönfeld and Ben Hermans and Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco to come all the way from Europe to support the show. Although I was critical of Saturday's Pegasos presentation I should point out that the Pegsasos stand is getting a lot of visitors, and people really enjoy sitting down and using MorphOS and playing BirdieShoot and Quake and Software Tycoon. The Super Bundle has been released and I got my free copy (thanks). Unfortunately I will have to wait until I get home in 8 or 9 days to see what all is on this three CD set.

Everyone seems to get along very well at these conventions, in spite of the online flaming that we see so much of. Bill Buck sat next to Ben Hermans at the panel last night and said how coexistence was possible even when there was no cooperation, unfortunately the two men didn't hug. ;)

The banquet was delicious and the Sacramento Amiga user group SACC really did a fine job of everything. I would like to thank those who edited and translated my reports, I would do this myself but the connection and software here at the hotel is not really suited for smooth work. There is another Amiga Show next month, a minishow at Computerfest in Dayton Ohio next month and we have something coming up in Washington DC area in October. These shows are a lot of fun and I recommend interested people to come check them out. Tschüss! (ps)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 19:19] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Christoph (ANF)

amigaFoulEggs - a new Tetrislike game has been finished
In time for the summer break the game 'amigaFoulEggs' Version 1.0 has been completed! amigaFoulEggs is a tetrislike game in which at least four tokens of the same colour have to lie beside or on top one another in order for them to get removed. The window size is freely customizable. The tokens size adjusts to available space.

Extensive settings allow the customization to your own preferences: keyboard mapping, speed, colours, patterns for tokens and background and more are possible. The more tokens are removed in one go but also systematic putting down of formations gain extra points.

There is also a Highscore file in the Internet.

amigaFoulEggs requires AmigaOS 3.0; Settings and highscore windows require OS 3.5. A graphics card is recommended. An extensive guide desciption in German is included. There is an English catalog file for the program. It has been tested with Classic Amiga, Amithlon and WinUAE. The game also works flawlessly under to upcoming AmigaOS 4.0.

The game is freeware and is available at no cost on demand. Simply fill out the application form and shortly after the lha archive arrives in your e-mail inbox. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 13:56] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

Hollywood Video released
At the request of many people who wanted to receive an impression of the multimedia authoring system Hollywood before buying it, Andreas Falkenhahn has released a MPEG video that shows the functionality of Hollywood. You can download the 30 MB file here


from Aminet. The video shows parts from example scripts that come with Hollywood to give you an impression of what Hollywood is able to do. (ps)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 13:42] [Comments: 1 - 29. Jul. 2003, 13:45]
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Aminet uploads until 27.07.2003
These updates or new programs have been uploaded to the Aminet since our last report:
PrintMail1.3.lha     comm/mail   14K+ARexx print YAM e-mail w /header & page
TView.lha            comm/tcp    77K+List TV-programs in Europe.
MakeHTMLMap.lha      comm/www   166K+Create HTML/JS driven language independe
znn_goo7.lha         demo/sound 105K+Multitasking Chippack from zenon, CGFX/A
Brandy.lha           dev/basic  529K+Basic V Interpreter (prerelease)
6581sid-sdk.lha      dev/misc     2K+Unofficial 6581sid.library SDK, StormC s
WolnyCD.lha          disk/cdrom  14K+Better read-spead, quiet working CD. v0.
SaltLakeCity_G.lha   docs/hyper  14K+Results (and more) of 2002 olympic games
ThePolice.lha        docs/hyper  51K+The Police: albums, lyrix, singles +more
smoother.lha         game/gag     9K+Small joke program to "smoothen" your mo
WormWars.lha         game/misc  527K+Worm Wars 7.53: Advanced snake game
ColorBarr.lha        game/wb     37K+Line-up coloured tiles!
Iamdagod.lha         mods/blkha  22K+Techno PT mod by blakkhar
Nummer1.lha          mods/blkha 134K+Techno DBP mod by blakkhar
Ashlexiss.lha        mods/essen 293K+Ashlexiss by Essential Sound www.essent
SongPlayer.lha       mus/play   611K+Cool and powerful audio player V1.60 (68
HollywoodDemo.mpg    pix/mpg     29M+MPEG showing Hollywood's functionality
WW4SE_7fin.lha       text/edit   19K+Wordworth 4SE & 7 Finnish catalogs
froggui_en.lha       util/misc   27K+GUI for FroggerNG
froggui_fr.lha       util/misc   27K+GUI for FroggerNG

[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 12:51] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Miller live from AmiWest (ANF)

Daniel Miller's AmiWest 2003 Show Report Part I
This is the Sacramento's 5th Amiwest, but my first. I used frequent flyer miles to get a free flight to San Francisco, from there I took trains through scenic northern California to Sacramento where I took a taxi to the Holiday Inn. On Monday I rent a car and head to Reno, later Yosemite, but for now the Amiga scene is on my mind. This is supposed to be the biggest Amiga-oriented convention in the USA but we'll see what Nova Design and Genesi pull off in Washington DC this October.

Right now it's Amiwest in Sacramento. I arrive late on Friday. In front of me in the line at the hotel check-in desk is John Harris, the author of the arcade classic Frogger. Looking around further I see that two medium halls have been reserved for Amiwest. The halls open on each other to make a larger. There is a smaller enclosed room also reserved, maybe that is the banquet hall.

It's late on Friday and the show has not opened, but there are people still setting up. There are four Pegasoses on a long table. Nate Downes, one of Genesi's reps from Florida, works feverishly on a fifth. He says he's tired but he's determined to get ImageFX successfully set up for Kermit Woodall of Nova Design to demonstrate.

I see some other familiar faces. Someone points out Ben Hermans of Hyperion Entertainment to me, which is a surprise. He hadn't announced his appearance. Maybe we will finally see OS4 on the Amiga One as opposd to an Amiga 4000. Or maybe not.. I hear that Jens Schönfeld, famed Amiga hardware maker is here, and Jeri Elsorth, Commodore One engineer and geek fantasy girl arrives in the morning.

There is an historical sequence of old Amiga models on tables throughout the room. The event organizers want to illustrate the past, and the future. There's a 3000 and a 600. The machines and their peripherals are yellowing and stained from age. There might be a crack here and there. It has been a long time since these rolled off the manufacturing lines.

At the hotel nightclub it's Big Band Night. Three couples gyrate kinetically on the dance floor as a six piece brass and sax ensemble, drummer, and bassist accompany a xylophonist. It's jazz and swing and the singer joins in as the happy music rushes out the bar entrance into the hotel lobby.

The next morning at break fast I run into John Harris again. Overnight I remmbered that he wrote not only Frogger, but also Jawbreaker for the Atari 8bit, one of the greatest games ever for that line of computers. I tell him how great it was, with the toothbrush animation and all and he tels me a bit of the history behind it. Jawbreaker! He explains that he will give the first seminar this morning on his current focus: Amiga DE.

John Harris gave the first presentation. He talked about his work on Amiga DE. He demonstrated his Gobbler game, his WordSearch game, his calculator program and his Solitaire, spnding a particular amount of time showing the versatility of his Solitaire, which runs in different resolutions depending on the handheld unit. On DE itself he joked that the original concept of "runs anywhere now means runs nowhere" owing to failed business deals and runtime modules whch have not materialized for the various handheld devices. But he still loves the technology of DE and thinks it will eventually be successful it's "just taking a little longer than they thought."

His calculator program is advanced, and he talked about how valuable the cooperation was between hm and the math professor who helped him write it. Asked whether DE stuff would ever run on a Palm Pilot he said a Palm Pilot version was unlikely since Tao stuff doesn't run on 68K processors.He said it might happen on the new Palm Pilots running on ARM processors.

To be continued ... (ps)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 09:07] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Lunk (E-Mail)

ACBB-Homepage not available
Markus Lunk wrote:
Because of technical problems with the hoster of our domain we ask all to use our mirror under until the domain is available again. Thanks a lot. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Jul. 2003, 19:26] [Comments: 0]
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carls (ANF)

Web server: gW3S v2.2.8 released!
A new version of the ARexx web server for AmigaOS has been released. The major new feature of this release is Webalizer-compatible log files (Apache-style). Now you can make pretty graphs and statistics from your gW3S access logs! The problem with Opera on PC (couldn't access gW3S sites) is also fixed and the HTTP support has been enhanced. gW3S is open source and available for download at (ps)

[News message: 26. Jul. 2003, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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First pictures from the AmiWest 2003
Under the title link you will find the first pictures by Douglas McLaughlin from the AmiWest 2003 show. (ps)

[News message: 26. Jul. 2003, 18:46] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc. (ANF)

AmigaOS4.0 to be demonstrated at AmiWest
July 25, 2003 - Amiga Inc, in conjunction with Hyperion Entertainment and Computer Connection of California will be demonstrating the current state of AmigaOS 4.0 at the up-and-coming Amiga show in Sacramento, California. Please read the complete PR here or under the title link.

AmigaOS4.0 to be demonstrated at AmiWest
July 25, 2003 - Amiga Inc, in conjunction with Hyperion Entertainment and Computer Connection of California will be demonstrating the current state of AmigaOS4.0 at the up-and-coming Amiga show in Sacramento, California.

Louie Dituri of Computer Connection, an Amiga dealer since 1988, will demonstrate AmigaOS4.0 running natively on a Cyberstorm PPC A4000. A lot of progress has been made in moving 68k modules to PPC-native since the end of the European AmigaOS on Tour roadshow as well as the default look evolving still further.

Computer Connection have also donated an AmigaOne as a raffle prize and, additionally, will be demonstrating AmigaOnes running Linux.

A representative of Hyperion Entertainment, the project manager for AmigaOS4.0, will be on hand to answer questions on the product. In addition, John Harris, a renowned AmigaDE developer (and the creator of the classic Frogger and Jawbreaker games), will be present at the Computer Connection stand to show off a variety of AmigaDE applications.

We urge all Amigans attending the show to flock to the Computer Connection stand and see the future of the Amiga Platform. No rumours, no spin, no hype, just the real deal!

About Amiga:
Amiga Inc. established itself in 1985 as the premier provider of multi-media technologies to the world. Today Amiga continues leading the way in multi-media by providing language independent technologies to developers for writing and porting applications to a new multi-media platform that is hardware agnostic. Amiga Anywhere, powered with intent(TM) from the Tao Group, enables applications to run unchanged on a broad range of processors including ARM, StrongARM, Intel X-Scale, OMAP, MIPS, Intel x86, Motorola 68K and Hitachi SH. It can run hosted on a wide variety of operating systems including Windows CE .NET, Windows 9x, 2000, Windows XP, Linux, and Embedded Linux. AmigaDE Player and applications can be purchased at

About Hyperion:
Hyperion Entertainment is a privately held Belgian-German company, founded in March of 1999. The company specialises in 3D graphics and the conversion of top-quality entertainment software from Windows to niche-platforms including Amiga, Linux (x86,PPC) and MacOS (OS 9/X). Hyperion Entertainment has undertaken contract-work in the field of 3D graphics for companies such as Monolith ( and has developed a mature, fast, small foot-print technology to bring 3D graphics to low power digital devices such as PDA's and STB's. Hyperion is currently working on AmigaOS 4.0, a vastly enhanced PPC native incarnation of the groundbreaking multimedia OS introduced by Commodore in 1985.

About Computer Connection:
Computer Connection has been serving the needs of the Amiga, Toaster and Flyer community in the US since 1988. For more information, visit or send an email to

[News message: 25. Jul. 2003, 16:28] [Comments: 0]
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Kai Stegemann (ANF)

Presentation about the history and the future of the Amiga
Read the overview about a presentation of the history of the Amiga. The future and the past are described with detailed texts. Additionally there are a Hollywood presentation (MOS-only) as well as the corresponding script. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Jul. 2003, 16:27] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: AmiATLAS call
Certainly many users have been worried that one of the maps of AmiATLAS did not contain a desired destination, location or attraction or even had incorrect information?!

But this never has been a real problem! In AmiATLAS you can add or change your own completions. Something like that you will not find at PC route planners.

But would it not be better if all users could use your changes and if you could use the changes made by other users? Therefore here is a call to all new or old users of AmiATLAS:

Please report your wishes what you miss in the maps or what should be changed because it is incorrect. Information to locations or attractions are also very welcome. We are glad about all useful emails which you please send to

For all useful and used information there will be a little surprise. Thanks to all Amiga users for the help!

AmiATLAS Development Team
Gerd Frank, Maintainer
Manfred Rohde, Mapmaster
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Jul. 2003, 12:31] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Trompetter (ANF)

Game: Duke Nukem 3D for Amiga- and MorphOS
After at beginning of April 2003 the source code of Duke Nukem 3D has been released there is a first official version of Duke Nukem 3D for Amiga- and MorphOS which you can find under the title link. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Jul. 2003, 12:22] [Comments: 1 - 29. Jul. 2003, 13:49]
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Carsten Siegner bei (ANF)

Music: SongPlayer Version 1.60 for MorphOS and 68k w. OggVorbis Support
Version 1.60 of Stéphane Tavenard's music player 'SongPlayer' came out today, the main thing is that there's a native MorphOS version of the program and support for the Ogg Vorbis music compression format.

Mathias Parnaudeau and Nicolas Det are busy with the current development, your comments and feedback may be sent to

Download MorphOS/AmigaOS: SongPlayer.lha (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2003, 21:11] [Comments: 0]
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Ben Hermans speech in Gothenburg
Ben Hermans speech in Gothenburg with two interesting statements, listen for yourself. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2003, 17:06] [Comments: 0]
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Just to let Amiga Internet users, webmasters and those who are interested know. A new search engine for Amiga content only, has arrived. Webmasters, please freely submit your Amiga related websites using the 'Add site' link on main page. AmigaSearch is at an early stage so the primary function of this service is useless to Amiga searchers unless webmasters submit their content.

NOTE: AmigaSearch will support IBrowse, Opera, IExplorer, Netscape and most other web browser packages. If you find AmigaSearch to be working on other browsers, please let us know. (ps)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2003, 17:04] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Summer events with individual Computers
"No summer break this year!" While our office in Aachen is closed from July 24th until August 18th, there are several Amiga- and classic computing related events during the time.

It's startig with Amiwest in Sacramento, California this weekend. This is a show of long tradition that has been taking place for many years. This year we attend the show as exhibitors for the first time. In the past years, we have only exhibited at the Amiga show in St. Louis in the midwest of the USA.

On the same weekend, the computer-party Little Computer People takes place in Sweden. It's organized by C64-fans for C64-fans, and we're supporting it with some prizes. The current state of development of the C-One is shown, and our netowrking card "RR-Net" is demonstrated to a larger audience for the first time. It's also going to be for sale!

The height of the season is the Classic Gaming Expo 2003 in Las Vegas on August 9th and 10th. We're also exhibiting at this show for the first time. At the expo for classic computer games and arcade machines, names like Atari, Activision, Vectrex, Intellivision and of course Commodore are revived. The guest list contains big names like Paul Norman, David Crane and Garry Kitchen. (ps)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2003, 11:12] [Comments: 0]
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heise Newsticker (ANF)

heise: does an attempt with an Internet computer
As heise reports will try to establish a web station starting at 169 US$ at the market, being a PC without a hard disk. The operating system will be started from CD the data required for the work will be polled from a network or the Internet.
Read the full heise article by the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 20:18] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Strojek bei Golem (ANF)

Golem: Comes to age: The Amiga reaches 18
By the title link there is a brief, nostalgic article at Golem covering the birthady of the Commodore Amiga.
Read the full article by the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 18:02] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jul.2003 Wayne Hunt quits being webmaster
Wayne Hunt has maintained during eight years as the webmaster. Today he announced that he decided to quit this passion due to personal and professional reasons

During this long period Wayne Hunt sat parallel to his job several hours in front of the monitor to do this web project and supporting the Amiga community a lot. Now the day has come that he shifts his priorities in life more away from the Amiga further to other not less important things in life. We wish him all the best from here! will be continued by the other moderators and webmasters. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 16:25] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: A/NES website moved
The website of the Nintendo Entertainment System emulator A/NES CGFX for Amiga computers with gfx cards has moved. The site is now to reach by the URL Please update your bookmarks. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 15:26] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Wolf (E-Mail)

Geizkragen community letter reports about Tales of Tamar
Here the according extract from the Geizkragen community letter:

»[..c..] Becoming tester and get an online strategy game for free... A tip for fantasy fans, no doubt. Currently only for Amiga users in autumn there will come a PC version of the online strategy game "Tales of Tamar" to the shops. All important game options are included in the PC version of the game already, but to get the game as bugfree as possible there are still game testers required. As player you will get a small Middle Age country assigned which should be enlarged by clever usage of strategy, diplomacy or even war. In one game there can be a maximum of 12000 players. To download the game free of charge you have to register the form at the Tamar homepage. Further information and registering here

The Geizkragen community has more than 413000 users, among them some will most likely check out the game in the next weeks. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 15:05] [Comments: 0]
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The Amiga celebrates its 18th birthday
Today, after a lot of heights and downs, the Amiga celebrates its 18th birthday. On July the 23rd 1985 in New York the premiere celebrations of the Amiga 1000 was held with attendance of several stars like Andy Warhol and Debbie Harry. The multimedia wonder by Commodore with its incredible graphic and sound capabilities for that time was to set a milestone within the computer history. Happy Birthday to you being to age, Amiga! (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 13:48] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Commodore Billboard double-CD available
Starting today, the double-CD with the contents of the Commodore Billboard is available. The second CD contains a recent mirror of the CBM-Funet archive, which is maintained by Marko Mäkelä. It also contains files that were removed from the archive lately. Many thanks again to Marko who has mastered the second CD.

Nearly all files of the double-CD can be downloaded for free on the Internet under and

Running websites of this scale costs a lot of money. All profits of the CDs will be used to run the websites with their high volume traffic.

We encourage our customers to copy the CDs, and to make them available in sharing-services. All this will help us in reducing the cost of the websites. Those who want to donate to the websites can buy the double-CD for about 15,- EUR from our retail partners.

The Commodore Billboard is created from user contributions. Everyone who contributed so far gets the double-CD for the price of shipment. Distribution of the free CDs is done by Stefan "Galaktus" Zelazny, the new webmaster of the Commodore Billboard. Please contact him via eMail if you want such a free CD. New contributions are also rewarded with a free CD!

A picture of the final CDs is available online. (nba)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 01:41] [Comments: 0]
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Falcon (ANF)

New workshop about DSL at Elastic Images
With a new workshop at the Elastic Images website the configuration of the TCP/IP stack Genesis connected with the hardware router RP-614 by Netgear for connecting two Amigas via a router and for the Filesharing with NET-FS is documented.

Because the workshop owns a lot of screen shots the download with analog connections may take some time. The graphics are totally about 750 KB. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 01:39] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jul.2003 restricted news service from 31.07. - 13.09.2003
Like last year it's time to grudge the amiga-news-team a summerbreak. The break is between 31st July and 13th September.

Nico Barbat told us that he will upload important news and news summaries. Please send your news how usual to the ANF or send the news directly to

While the summerbreak, there are no translations and the comment function is deactivated. The Forum stays in function, we will call there a moderator, who looks after the contents.

In this time we all good think about how we could celebrate our 5-years-anniversary. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2003, 23:44] [Comments: 0]
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Wojtek Kozlowski (E-Mail)

Elbox: Website Update
The Elbox Website has been updated. The eFlash 4000 page has been set up in the Products Section.

Check also the eFlash 4000 page in the Adapters and Interfaces Section of the Elbox Online Store. (ps)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2003, 19:03] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Hensel (ANF)

KuH-Mag and Interview with Michael Labiner
The team of the KUH-magazin and was able to find the years missing Michael Labinier (Amiga- und PC-Joker), and they interwied him. He answered to twenty questions, which you can read at: KuH-Mag or directly under the title link. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2003, 18:40] [Comments: 0]
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X68000 Emulator PPC 0.00b21, Carbonized for Mac OS X
The X68000 was an impressive Japanese home computer system that was released in 1987. It featured a 68000 processor running at 10MHz, and supported up to 12 MB of main memory. It also had very impressive multimedia capabilities for the time, with a 65536 color palette and an 8-voice stereo FM synthesizer.

X68000 Emulator PPC is currently the only X68000 emulator available for the Macintosh. It is in very early stages of development, but it appears that it can run Gradius and Fantasy Zone to some degree, which is certainly impressive. An important thing to note is that the program and home page are entirely in Japanese, which makes it difficult for English-speakers to enjoy it. Also note that the application is compressed in LZH format, which is quite uncommon for most Macintosh programs, but Stuffit Expander seems capable of handling it; you may need to expand the files multiple times to get the program to work, however. (ps)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2003, 13:43] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Loong (E-Mail)

ACGGBG and ToAks presents: The Amiga PPC Demo Database
ACGGBG and ToAks from Push Entertainment proudly presents: The Amiga PPC Demo Database!

For a long time now, we've collected demos and tested them. We felt that this was something that the PPC users were lacking - ONE place to find them all, including a text with requirements to make it work. Look no further, this is the ultimate P P C D E M O D A T A B A S E. (ps)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2003, 08:44] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Jubilee special offer for "Poseidon"
Amiga Arena is proud to announce the availability of a special offer for the USB-stack 'Poseidon'. We have to mention that this is not the official start of the upcoming 'Amiga Arena jubilee weeks'!

A co-operation between Chris Hodges and Amiga Arena made a special offer for 'Poseidon' possible. Until the 31st July 2003 you can order 'Poseidon' for only 14,00 EUR (only bank orders are accepted). In order to buy the program you have to use the registration form at Amiga Arena. Additional information about 'Poseidon' can be found at Special thanks go to Chris Hodges who made this offer possible. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Jul. 2003, 20:49] [Comments: 0]
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z5 (ANF)

Amiga Demoscene Archive: Searching for PPC owners
Amiga Demoscene Archive was updated again with two demos: CNCD's classic Closer, winner at The Party 1995 and Spaceballs demo Dark Helmets from The Gathering 2003 and seven new logos were added in the Logo-gallery.

We are looking for people with high-end Amigas to help out with screenshots from PPC demos. (ps)

[News message: 21. Jul. 2003, 20:34] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 21.07.2003
These updates or new programs have been uploaded to the Aminet since our last report:
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  482K+NewsCoaster Full Version (v1.58) (MUI)
newscoastersrc.lha   comm/news  229K+NewsCoaster Source Code (v1.58 - 11 Jul 
TView.lha            comm/tcp    77K+List TV-programs in Europe.
GuiGfxDevBas.lha     dev/basic   31K+Using GuiGfx library from HBasic
ctags.lha            dev/c      349K+Generate tag files of source code
CheckDisk.lha        disk/misc    6K+A simple utility to check your disks
TheCrypt29.lha       docs/mags  6.9M+Issue 29 of "The Crypt" online magazine
TheCrypt30.lha       docs/mags  7.9M+Issue 30 of "The Crypt" online magazine
Saga.lha             game/board 312K+Saga 1.28: Conversion of TSR boardgame
ToT_V0.50.lha        game/demo   36M+Tales of Tamar Client V0.50
DM-Spells.png        game/hint    9K+List of spells for Dungeon Master, CSB &
WormWars.lha         game/misc  549K+Worm Wars 7.52: Advanced snake game
Marryampic2.lha      game/think 525K+CardSet game with sound-pairs (MorphOS)
SmartScale.lha       gfx/conv    31K+A CLI/WB program used for gfx conversion
PicShow.lha          gfx/show   592K+Datatype picture viewer for directory to
WBVirus.lha          misc/antiq   1K+Old bouncing balls display hack
Foundation3.mpg      mods/mpg    21M+Third part of a three part suite
NI-SailorMoon.lha    pix/icon     8K+Anime/Manga NewIcons: Sailor Moon
fryingpanshots.lha   pix/illu   351K+FryingPan 0.022 (cd-burner program) scre
AAA2003_01.lha       pix/misc    10M+Amiga Alpe Adria 2003 archive 01
Satire13-Apr03.jpg   pix/misc    51K+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
CharMap.lha          text/font   85K+Display the whole charset of a given fon
reqcollec2.lha       util/cli    29K+Second collection of request tools
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype 142K+JFIF-JPEG datatype V45.3 (68k,WarpOS,Mor
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Jul. 2003, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Hodges (E-Mail)

Poseidon licencing ceasing on 01-Aug-03
Chris Hodges (Poseidon author) writes:
»Due to reasons I will not explain here further (ask me in private), Poseidon keyfiles cannot be bought after 01-Aug-03. People having just bought an USB card, that does not come with an OEM Licence, have the chance to register Poseidon until the end of this month.

Support for existing users is NOT affected and will continue as usually.

It is recommended that dealers stop selling USB cards without licence to avoid angry customers buying an useless piece of hardware, until the vendor delivers his own software solution or the situation is solved somehow.«

Im Klartext heißt das, dass die Software Poseidon von Chris Hodges natürlich weiterentwickelt wird, aber bis auf weiteres nur noch Karten mit OEM-Lizenz unterstützt werden. (ps)

[News message: 21. Jul. 2003, 10:47] [Comments: 0]
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