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Chris Hodges

Commentary: The long night of comments - Chris Hodges

In politics it is all only a theatre play, a put-up job, a show for the audience. Amiga user don't need that - since years they are following one mud bath after the other. Would be something for the TV. Or Spielberg -- "Saving private, hobby MorphOS", but you still have to wait for the "M-Day" after that you could let the blood squirt like hell.

There is speculation about legal issues, which might happen when the one operating system would really be published in that form a beta version has been made public more than a year ago. And who has to sue whom, which chances every party has - and over and over again the same accusations were repeated and denied from both sides. But you learn it at school: thesis - argument - evidence. Without evidences you have to sit down and get a really bad mark.

Others like e. g. Bill Buck, "no luck", are publishing private e-mails as an evidence that both sides don't act very professional. And straight in the center, there is Benjamin, an elephant lawyer in a china shop, who does'nt say the things in a roundabout way since a long time. And he never ever forgets anything. Just like Ralph Schmidt. But nearly as quarrelsome are some MOS fans and of course the complementary AmigaOS 4 trolls too. It's worse than some UFO conspiration theoretics.

It's nearly like science fiction: features are compared which nobody has ever seen. Judical instances are skiped, let's go to high court directly. Or better on the streets, so we might clear up all that senseless and personal insults. Just like in the movie ´Fight Club´. somehow I don't loose that feeling that all smash the others face, just movielike. But the audience doesn't think it's funny any more.

Or who has been first, who divides, who cribed from whom. That are the questions, which "the stupid American" or "the incompetent German judge" cannot answer. For that you will need a nine years lasting lawstudy. All the user can do is waiting and even threads at various news services with about 400 comments don't help any further.

Sometimes silence is really more worth than gold. With every wrong word the "amiga community" is shrinking a bit. Give me a broom that I can clean up the rubble.

I believe that Amiga OS 4 as well as MorphOS are much promising projects and a bunch very high talented developers are working on it. But as long as I haven't seen anything more up to date from both, MorphOS and AmigaOS4, it is nothing worth to debate about it.

Basically we all want the Amiga to be revitalized. But just like Aimee Mann says in her song "Frankenstein", in such a lovely way:

"When you're building your own creation /
Nothing's better than real, than a real imitation."

Maybe those fighting cocks would be better for politics?

Chris Hodges
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 17. Apr. 2002, 19:48] [Comments: 1 - 19. Apr. 2002, 19:30]
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VGR Mediator Support Pages

ControlTV beta 0.1 for Mediator
At the 3rd party Mediator support site (title link) of VGR Vicente ´Ami603´ Gimeno has released a new beta version 0.1 of ControlTV which contains now English and Spanish versions. There are screenshots too, which show ControlTV in action.

ControlTV is a simple Arexx-script, which uses AWNPIPE to get a graphic user interface for the driver programs of the Elbox multimedia-CD. With that it is for example possible to switch without any problems between different TV-channels. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 17. Apr. 2002, 18:17] [Comments: 0]
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AMIGAplus: AmigaAnywhere-list updated
About one and a half year ago the editoral staff of the print magazine "Amigaplus" started a list for an overview of AmigaDE applications in both the printed edition and the online edition. Now, after some month of no care due to lack of time, the "AmigaAnywhere program list" is updated to an actual level again thanks to Marc Cloppenburg's support. You can find that list within the service section at or with a click on the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 17. Apr. 2002, 17:59] [Comments: 0]
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Cj-Stroker (ANF)

Amiforce celebrates 1st birthday
Amiforce has today, the 17th of April 2002 its first birthday.

At first it has been planned to release the German version of Amiblitz for this reason. But due to lack of time this will likely not happen before next week. The editor PED has taken more time than initially thought. The planned bonus tracks will be a bit late on schedule as well. All that might be finished within the next days. That time also courses and tutorials will start.

The rest of Amiforce will be updated as well. For this the soft guide category will be opened. The start is with OpenAG. Later this client and AmiComSys + HL_Plugin too will be discribed in helpguide. Unfortunately this takes it´s time.

And here I want to thank all those people who supported me all that time.

Happy Birthday! (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 17. Apr. 2002, 15:56] [Comments: 0]
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David "Daff" Brunet (E-Mail)

E-Zine: Obligement 32 is now out
Issue 32 of the famous French e-zine is now available. You can read in this issue: latest Amiga news, interview Bertrand Presles (the president of the AFUA Association), reviews of The Feeble Files and AmiAtlas 6, articles about Euro, a presentation of Amithlon, and a lot more! Download it from the website. (ps)

[News message: 17. Apr. 2002, 01:45] [Comments: 0]
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Amigan Software

Tool: Report+ Version 5.4
For AmigaOS 3.9 user is available version 5.4 from Report+. With Report+ from Amigan Software you can easily create bug reports, Aminet readmes, autodocs, and other reports. It is freeware and supports the GUI systems ReAction and GadTools.

Download: ReportPlus.lha (539 KB) (ps)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2002, 22:12] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 16.04.2002) (Update)
With WHDLoad you can install games on your hard drive which were formerly meant only for use with disks. The following packets have been added or updated:
  • 16.04.02 new: Jupiter's Masterdrive (Ubi Soft) done by Psygore
  • 15.04.02 improved: Treasure Island Dizzy (Code Masters) support for CD³² version added, minor other changes
  • 15.04.02 improved: Qwak (Team 17) support for CD³² version added
  • 15.04.02 updated: Minskie - The Abduction (Binary Emotions) reworked
  • 15.04.02 new: Mean Streets (U.S.Gold) done by Bored Seal
  • 15.04.02 new: Executioner (Codetapper) done by Codetapper
  • 15.04.02 updated: Chuckie Egg 2 (Pick and Choose) image provided by Nigel Alderton
  • 15.04.02 updated: Chuckie Egg (Pick and Choose) image provided by Nigel Alderton
  • 15.04.02 new: Castles (Interplay) done by JOTD & Bored Seal
  • 15.04.02 improved: Castle Vania (Konami) manual protection removed
  • 15.04.02 improved: Cadaver Demo Level (Bitmap Brothers) support for Amiga Format 13 Demo added

[News message: 16. Apr. 2002, 22:03] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Instinske (ANF)

AmigaOne mentioned in the newspaper "Hamburger Morgenpost"
Even the big daily newspaper "Hamburger Morgenpost" (sold edition almost 150.000 pcs) has rediscovered the Amiga now: there has been a half-page article with two pictures in a special part "Gigatrend" published which briefly covers the actual situation of the AmigaOne.

Update 17.04.2002:
Also the Dutch "Het Algemeen Dagblad" published an article about Amiga. Ron van Herk of Computer City has scanned it. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2002, 21:20] [Comments: 0]
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Eyetech CEO Clarifies AmigaOne/OS4.0 Announcement
"On ann and elsewhere there has been a lot of speculation about the nature of the ROM modifications to allow the A1-G3 (and any subsequent Amiga inc approved models) to run OS4 +

As most people here will realise we have always declared that we want to use the official Amiga OS and for Hyperion and Amiga to have their just rewards for licencing the AmigaOne and OS4 products. We are not the only possible licencees, but I guess that we committed to these conditions before anyone else. As a result we have worked in very close cooperation with both Amiga Inc and Hyperion throughout the A1 development program to ensure that piracy of OS4 is kept to a minimum. Jointly we have worked out that the best way to do this is :..."

- To put ROM extensions (ie dongle code) in the boot ROM, in addition to the regular boot code.

- To put this in hard-coded, socketed ROM at a specific address in the PPC memory map, rather than in Flash ROM, which could easily be pirated/updated

- To ensure that OS4 calls this code from multiple points to make workround patches difficult to implement

- To ensure that a copy of OS4 is sold with all hardware capable of running it (ie with the dongle code in ROM)

- To use similar routines that already exist in the 3.1 Kickstart ROM as an alternative for the PPC accelerator implementations.

Although a dedicated pirate could no doubt copy the boot code and dupe the ROM's, unless this was to be done in bulk - which would be easy to spot and close down - the overheads involved versus buying the ROM would mean few people would be likely to do it. The situation is analagous to OS3.1/3.5/3.9 in that you had to have/buy 3.1 ROMs to run the OS, unless you go to extraordinary work-around lengths.

We are producing all the developer/dealer boards and at least the first run of user boards with this dongle code in place in the ROM - and therefore the obligation to purchase OS4 with them. (They can of course be used to run Linux, but you will still need to buy OS4 with these boards). If there is sufficient demand from the Linux comunity we will probably then produce some boards without the AmigaOne name (and without the dongle code needed for booting OS4). In this case we will also make available an OS4 + ROM upgrade pack (similar to the OS3.5/3.9 +3.1ROMs upgrade packs sold by most Amiga Dealers) to purchasers of the Linux-only boards wishing to upgrade to OS4.

As far as other licenced stand-alone ppc hardware is concerned, it would, in my view, need to support a similar protection format (ie socketed hard coded ROM, not Flash ROM) to embody the same level of anti-piracy protection as The A1G3-SE. Whether, in the specific cases of other hardware manufacturers, this socketed ROM has already been implemented, or remains an option, or requires a partial redesign of the hardware is not something that I have any knowledge of. It is between Amiga Inc and the potential licencees concerned.

This tight anti-piracy regime has obviously upset some individuals on the mailing lists who clearly did not expect to have to pay for OS4, or hoped to buy unapproved/unlicenced PPC Linux boards to save a few bucks. Well tough, we dont want your business under those circumstances and will do all in our power to make sure that if you buy one of our boards for Linux-only use you will not be able to use it for running OS4+ unless you are prepared to pay Hyperion and Amiga Inc their proper licence fees.

And I'm sure that all other potential serious licencees of endorsed Amiga hardware will see it this way too."

Alan Redhouse, Eyetech CEO
Taken from AmigaONE mailing-list

[News message: 16. Apr. 2002, 16:51] [Comments: 1 - 17. Apr. 2002, 07:47]
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Matthias Bock (ANF)

Starfox: Many old Amiga games for free download now...
Maybe the one or other still knows the games Minerunner, Poweroids, Star Defender or Monsters of Terror...

For a long time these have been available only as limited demo versions. From now on all these four games ar free for download without restrictions.

Except Defender all games are running multitasking, also with four players at the same time, which is possible with the 4 player adaptor for the parallel port.

Further information and a source for download you might find with the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2002, 12:38] [Comments: 0]
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Wouter Lamee (ANF)

Digital cameras on the Amiga
Wouter Lamee:
I've added a DigiCam section to my site, describing how to get digital cameras to work on the Amiga, with information on what to keep in mind when buying and loads of links to related information. (ps)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2002, 11:40] [Comments: 0]
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Cerpheus (ANF)

FOM: New CDs - Games, demos, mods, photos, music
  • The Ascon Files: On the Ball, On the Ball - Worldcup Edition, The Patrician. Price: 3 Euro.
  • The Amiga Demo Collection: More than 620mb of demos, alphabetic sorted. Price: 3 Euro.
  • Monstro contains more than 500 mb of mods and other formats. Price: 3 Euro.
  • The digital album "Brasil" 2.5 is an electronic journey thruogh that country, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, ... Further there are backdrops for the Workbench and two audiotracks included. Price: 8 Euro.
  • Eclipse Solar is FOM's the new music CD. Among other there are soundtracks of Amiga projects included, e.g. The Deathbird or Brave New World: Price: 8 Euro.
All CDs might be orderd directly via the FOM-homepage (title link). (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2002, 11:36] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Software update for VarIO
The new version of the driver software now supports a VarIO on the 26-pin expansion ports of our Zorro-cards. A bug has been removed from the installer script.

Download: vario.lha (162 KB) (ps)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2002, 18:58] [Comments: 0]
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Bill Buck (E-Mail)

Thendic France: A statement about the future (Update)
Thendic-France (Bill Buck and Raquel Valesco) published a statement about the future of that company at their homepage. Beside the explanation of the general business plan there are some words about the pegasos-board and what Bill Buck and Raquel Valesco think about the current politic of Amiga Inc.

A short excerpt:
»What Amiga Inc. does not apparently understand and in our frustration we have decided to make public, is that when we sell a Pegasos there is absolutely nothing that prevents a buyer for loading anything they want on to the machine. This is our last attempt to communicate our frustration. We have decided to do this publicly, as Bill McEwen has done by excluding us from his 12 April letter. MorphOS will still be free for the Pegasos. When everything is finished and MorphOS can stand on its own completely and distinctly we will have the eclipsis ready for our first round of promotion.

We stopped bplan from releasing the Pegasos sooner. We encouraged them to fine tune the board before and not after release. They could have shipped samples sooner. We have had ours for months. By 1 June this board will be rock-steady.

The Pegasos is a great product. We have already developed some incredible software for it. But, the future as we see it is the miniaturized version, the eclipsis. This will be something very special. The Pegasos will serve as our development machine and we will be offering special packages to developers that sign on and get to work helping us create a market leading solution for the future of mobile entertainment and communications.


Bill McEwen was able to do something very noteworthy when he bought Amiga from Gateway. We admire him very much for this accomplishment. We have been in discussions with Bill over the years on many occasions since the demise of VisCorp. We offered a license to Gateway and specifically to Bill when he was there for the VisCorp patents. You will find that these patents/abandoned are dormant now, but you will find that Raquel Velasco is the owner of record of all seven. In September of 2000, King Lee, a former VisCorp board member and the Chairman of Amiga Inc. at the time, ask us to talk to Bill and try to assist him. We did. We told him to go after the "classic" OS. We told him to finish the upgrade to the PPC. In the meanwhile, we licensed AmigaDE and we made the "SmartBoy." When the prototype was built, AmigaDE was not ready. Finally, we abandoned the effort because in a world with the likes of Compaq, etc., a Windows CE device running AmigaDE is a bit like pouring alot of water in a good glass of wine. It just did not make good business sense and we could not achieve competitive pricing (even for the embedded market).

So here we are today with a working machine, but we want something that works with our hardware in a way that is necessary for our purposes. We still remain open to other possibilities. Software is made for hardware, not vis-a-versa.

We cannot overlook the fact that hardware nearly seven years old and developed by the same engineers as the Pegasos is being used today to complete other developments. We cannot wait for these efforts. We are in business and when the hardware is ready it will go on sale. The Pegasos and the eclipsis are the biggest chance for this market and will provide plenty of opportunity to grow into new markets..

We will sell the Pegasos. It is a cannon! Buyers will buy and load the ammunition...

We will still be here in business.

We would like very much to cooperate with Amiga Inc.«

You find the complete press release here.

Addition 17.04.2002:
Meanwhile the statement was removed from the webside. The information about Eclipsis and Pegasos are still available and can be found at the given links. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2002, 16:52] [Comments: 0]
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Philippe Bourdin (ANF)

Update: GoldED Syntaxparser for HTML, PHP and many more Version 3.6
Philippe Bourdin:
I just released a new version of the alternative syntaxparser for GoldED. This parser is based on the orginial code I got from Dietmar Eilert.

The features includes recognition and color hilightning of functions, brackets, comments, special carrecters, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, JSP, ASP and HSC. The colors can be changed in the GoldED-preferences.

Furthermore the new version includes bugfixes and new features and can be found at the aminet.

Download: html-php.lha (Version 3.6) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2002, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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Gunnar Bernhardt (ANF)

Emulator: Slowdown-Bugfix for WinUAE 0.8.21 R3
Toni Willen published a slowdown-bugfix for WinUAE 0.8.21 R3.

The bugfix can also be found at the official German mirror by Gunnar Bernhardt (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2002, 10:58] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

Icons: MasonIcons - muiMI, AmiSDMI, EZPagerMI, strICQMI
The following new archives are available on the MasonIcons homepage:

muiMI (2nd release)
  • images for MUI 3.8 (based on VisualMI)
  • colour bug is fixed now
  • additional tapedeck images
AmiSDMI (1st release)
  • images and icons for AmiShutDown
  • German version only
EZPagerMI (3rd release)
  • GlowIcons toolbar and service images for EZPagerNG
  • toolbar image based on AppMI
  • new service image in GlowIcons design
strICQMI (1st release)
  • image set for strICQ ReAction GUI in the GlowIcons design
Visit Mason.Home for further informations and previews. (sd)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 23:30] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)

IRC: BenderIRC V1.4b
Cyborg writes:
After a tough weekend almost all smaller bugs and bigger requests have now been included.

Denic has made it in time and therefore you can now get to the new version direct via

Download as usual at

And by the way, TAB is included :-)))

Once again I'd like to thank all those who put up with the quickfixing in #AmigaFUN yesterday and today.

But it might be a good idea to read the docs beforehand! :-)

I'd like to call on all IRC chatters to write plug ins or at least to send out good ideas for new and useful plug ins.

For example there are:
  • Language editions of channel events and statements.
  • DCC CHAT support (comes from me)
  • LogWriter
  • ElizaBOT
  • Channelsecurity
  • FileServer
  • XDCC Server etc.

Download: BenderIRC1.4b.lha (118K), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 23:20] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

USB: More busboards with HIGHWAY checked
Besides the running production of the HIGHWAY USB controllers we have checked two RBM busboards on compatibility with the HIGHWAY. Please find the new results - and the previously checked ones - on the E3B website. (sd)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 19:59] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

AudioLabs: DSPSpeed benchmarking results for Athlon XP 2000+
AudioLabs have published new results of their DSPSpeed benchmarking. The AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU makes ProStationAudio fly 29 times faster (minimum, up to 38.8 times faster) than on a 68060 system.

The DSPSpeed test was done by Nico Barbat of (AmigaPlus-Magazin) on the H&P Silverblue system.

DSPSpeed is a tool that contains the actual code from the ProStationAudio realtime engine, to provide accurate speed benchmarks without installing the whole application.

The reference system is AmigOS/68 on a 68060 with 50MHz. An index value of 100% has been allocated to this system. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 18:21] [Comments: 0]
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Programming language: PowerD V0.19 alpha 6
On 13 April 2002 Martin Kuchinka released version 0.19 alpha 6 of the programming language 'PowerD'. This version contains some bugfixes and some new features. Compared to the previous release the following changes were made:

  • You can replace (not only) powerd.lib functions just by defining them
  • fixed length arg in RealStr() function
  • fixed EStrCopy(), EStringF() functions
  • improved support of OOP4A project
  • You are allowed to use directly: var.func(args) instead of domethode(var,'func',args)
  • added ppc functions: EStringF(), RealStr(), RealEStr()
  • added/fixed all the quoted-expression functions: Eval(), MapList(), ForAll(), Exists(), SelectList() 68k only!!!, ppc knows currently only Eval()
  • bugfixes reported by Marco Antoniazzi
    • IF (~x) compiled wrong
    • IF (a) AND ~(b) compiled wrong
    • NOR and NAND keywords do now work
    • added '#include' preprocessor keyword
    • fixed assembler error when EXCEPTDO without Raise() occured
  • bugfixes reported by Kai Wolf
    • fixed a bug of too many args...
  • bugfixes reported by Michel Bagmeijer
    • Rem() isn't supported anymore
    • DC can now compile also data only sources without any procedures
    • added syntax error when 'CASE something:' used. (if the colon is used)
  • bugfixes reported by Nemeth Miklos
    • added a warning when assigning a value to an array (not item of array)

This release is a very early Alpha version. If you have any ideas or suggestions or if you discover any bugs, just e-mail

The compiler runs from AmigaOS V3.0, CPU 68ec020, 4MB RAM and 3-4 MB empty space on the hard disc. The compiler doesn't need FPU. But the created programs need a FPU if they use floats. The PPC binaries run via the powerpc.library.

Apart from the compiler 'phxass' and 'phxlnk' are needed to create 68k as well as 'pasm' and 'vlink' to create a PPC code. These programs can be found on the homepage of Frank Wille.

Download: alpha.lzx (220K), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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MP3: New robes (skins) for Prayer 2
Uros Nedeljkovic has launched new robes for the MP3 player "Prayer2". These and some preview pictures can be found on the page via the title link.

In addition, there are some new versions of blue tOwn 2, green tOwn 2, ghOst tOwn 2, aztech tOwn and some previews of upcoming robes.

'Prayer2' is a MP3 player made by Tamara Cetinjski for 68k Amigas. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 17:17] [Comments: 0]
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Pagan Games: Mailing list for announcements
Due to the wishes of many players who would like to get information about current developments, Pagan Games now has a mailing list set up for announcements, reports about current developments and more.

This mailing list is hosted by Yahoo and can be ordered by sending an e-mail to

It is a moderated group and only Pagan Games can post to it. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 17:16] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Instant Messenger: STRICQ-GUI (ReAction) Beta2
Glenn Hisdal has released Beta 2 of his ReAction GUI for the Instant Messanger StrICQ V2. In this version a lot of enforcer hits have been removed in particular. Compared to Beta 1 the following modifications have been made:
  • Bugfix: bugs removed.
  • New: new system for reading and writing news.
  • New: RTF messages are now parsed and converted to plain text.
  • Modification: all images converted to IFF-ILBM-format (No need for XPM datatype anymore).
  • New: message history window (can not yet load history from disc).

STRICQ-GUI should run from AmigaOS V3.5 (only tested on AmigaOS V3.9) and needs STRICQ V2.7. The installation is described at Readme.

Download: stricq-gui-ra.lha, Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 16:08] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

USB Poseidon: PPC driver for MorphOS
The USB stack Poseidon by Chris Hodges has now PPC native class drivers for MorphOS.

On MorphOS-News they report, that there is a MorphOS-/Pegasos/USB-webcam in function. The first pictures you can see at CyberGFX. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 16:04] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll (ANF)

AmigaOSXL: Experiences with the H&P Big-Tower 1800+ (Update)
Dietmar Knoll writes:
In my report I describe the experiences I have made with the Big-Tower. The nineth update includes a (nearly) complete re-write of the chapter "Patches for Amithlon 1.0.1" which now contains all information that exists on this subject. Further, there are lots of corrections in the other chapters.

The next update will hopefully be the first one that includes information on AmigaXL. (sd)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 12:45] [Comments: 0]
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14.Apr.2002 (ANF)

Ben Hermans Tries to Clarify AmigaONE ROM / OS4 Announcement
"1. The fact that the AmigaOne Falshrom will contain parts of OS 4 is certainly not meant as a way/won't operate to lock out other operating systems such as Linux, BSD etc.

Fact of the matter is that you will be able to compile Linux/BSD for these machines if you insist on it.

2. The real "anti-piracy" measure is the fact that the AmigaOne will ship with an OS 4 OEM version.

It will not be possible to buy boards without OS 4.

You buy the hardware, you're buying the software, just like you did with your old Amiga (or indeed with any pre-build Wintel machine or Mac).

This will ensure that development of OS 4 isn't affected overly by piracy.

Other companies targeting the Amiga market with their hardware should in principle also adopt this scheme to the extent that it is practicable.

In return they will be able to use the Amiga trademarks and tradename and their hardware will be perceived by their target audience as "endorsed" by Amiga.

3. Amiga are insisting that any hardware vendors who want to target the Amiga userbase with their products have their hardware certified and are also "vetted" themselves (support infrastructure, after sales service, financial well-being etc.).

We all know that in the post-Commodore years certain companies were allowed to operate in the market which didn't exactly shine in the area of after sales service (including repair) and tech support.

Many a user has left the market because of incidents with (expensive) hardware being sent away for repair never to be heard of again.

Many a dealer has closed his Amiga business because of the fact that they could not guarantee any form of after sales service to their customers and were in fact exposing themselves to legal action on the part of their customers.

On January 1, 2002 a new EU directive on warranty obligations is supposed to be transposed in national law which imposes even stricter warranty obligations on dealers.

It's clear that it would be very detrimental to the Amiga brand and the perception of Amiga Inc. and its products if former practises would be allowed to continue."

Taken From (sd)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 12:43] [Comments: 0]
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Infinity^CreativeMinds (ANF)

Demo group: Creative Minds announces web site
Creative Minds is happy to announce that their new official web site is now available. It offers you the possibility to download a generated video of their last Amiga-Demos 'Demoskope' (3rd MekkaSymposium02). (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 12:38] [Comments: 0]
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Gunnar Bernhardt (gunatm) (ANF)

Emulator: WinUAE 0.8.21 release 3 by Toni Wilen
Gunnar Bernhardt:
As an alternative I have set up a German mirror. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 23:03] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Falke (ANF)

EZP@gerNG v2.1 released
The latest version of the SMS, paging and email software is since today as unregistered version available for free download.

All registered EZP@gerNG users will find an update archive in the download area that they can use for updating their registered software from version 2.0 to version 2.1.

The most important changes in this release:

  • The ARexx command SENDOUTGOING has been built in. It makes the sending of all mails in the outgoing folder possible.
  • The tooltype NOABOUT has been built in. When it is set the 'About' requester of the EZP will be suppressed on startup.
  • The EZP appicon and the quick call gadgets on the Workbench support now OS3.5/3.9 functionality with transparency and improved analysis of 'palette mapped' OS3.5/3.9 icons as basis of images for quick call gadgets.
  • The toolbar gadgets support now true transparency.
  • When cloning the Workbench under OS3.5/3.9 it is now taken care whether 'No title bar' is selected or not in the Workbench preferences. (Showtitle).
  • For further changes see ReadMe.
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 20:18] [Comments: 0]
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Richard de Rivaz (ANF)

INET DIAL v3.850 released - supports PDAs and PCs on LAN
INET DIAL, the Home Server for the Amiga, which provides Internet Access and Control System, now supports PDAs and connection from any computer (PC, MAC, AMIGA) on local area network (LAN) to the Internet using a single IP address. Remote computers and PDAs can also access the Home Server for mail retrieval and control functions (X10, Arexx etc).

Connections can also be made by direct 'dial-in' or 'dial-out' to remote computers.

INET DIAL requires APACHE and GEEKGADGETS, also available from the MDR site. Alternatively all software is available from KICKSOFT on CD. (ps)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 20:14] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)

New IRC client: BenderIRC version 1.4
The new IRC client BenderIRC is here. Full of functions and possibilities and totally different to all IRC clients so far for the Amiga. From CTCP to XDCC is everything here. Even the DCC SEND problem from the locale network with IP-NAT has been solved.

What makes BenderIRC now so special? Well, the complete GUI can be set up as the user wants it. Whether gadgets are there or not, it doesn't matter! Their size? That doesn't matter, too! Build your own IRC client!

And what completes this all? The client has a built in BOT function. Remote access to your computer, of course password secured ;-). Integrated translation engine for German <-> English that can be used within the channel!

And all those who need even more will love the plugin system of BenderIRC! Example: if the sentence "News on - people, read it immediately" appears the website pops up in no matter of time :-).

As the client was earlier finished than the Denic creating the domain here's the direct link to the download site or you wait until the program is on Aminet.


Cyborg (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 20:10] [Comments: 0]
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13.Apr.2002 (ANF)

Printed Pagestream Manual Survey
A call to all Pagestream users, either Amiga, PC or Mac. If you are interested in a printed version of the new 4.1 manual, please let us hear from you at the title link.

We have offered Grasshopper LLC to create a printed Pagestream manual, due to a lot of demand by users of this great DTP-package, and they have agreed.

If we get more than 50 votes for a manual, we will start printing it!

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 19:59] [Comments: 0]
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New poll: What are you using the Internet mainly for?
In our current poll we're asking for what you are using the Internet. You can choose your answer from these options:
  • Information research
  • Online gaming
  • Chat
  • Education
  • Download of software and music
  • Entertainment
  • Online banking
  • For one's job
As more than one answer isn't possible we didn't list the killer application "mailing" deliberately. Enjoy in voting. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 17:28] [Comments: 0]
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Scene: new Polish Amiga Scene group - G.F.A.
Under the title link the Polish Amiga Scene group G.F.A. is introducing themselves and is reporting about their projects and members. The website is for now only available in Polish. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 17:06] [Comments: 0]
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CD³²-Allianz (ANF)

New area: applications for CDTV/CD³²
CD³²-Allianz announces the expansion of the CD³²/CDTV Corner with one area. In the rubric "Applications" you will find several CD-ROMs that had been released for CDTV and CD³². (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 16:57] [Comments: 0]
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Paul J. Beel (ANF)

GetBoinged: Interview with Kaliko
Kaliko was kind enough to be interviewed by GetBoinged and also supplied never before seen screen shots of their soon to be released Amiga-Anywhere games! Check it out at (title link). (ps)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 16:03] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Amiga Inc.: Executive Update - Amiga Status Announcement

Greetings to the Amiga community,

A week ago we shared with you our joy as we move towards the rebirth of the Amiga desktop platform. The AmigaOne and AmigaOS4 are projects that have occupied almost every day of our lives for the last two years. For the community, the wait and the false dawns have been unbearable.

Contrary to the rumours spread in some circles, we have spent considerable time and resources in creating a strategy that will see the Amiga desktop platform move back into the mainstream and take its proper place in the market. The AmigaOne and AmigaOS4 are just the first and most visible signs of this strategy. It is very important to us that we provide a total and compelling Amiga experience to future customers.

The first measure we are announcing is that we have pledged ourselves to the production and development of a platform where both users and developers are guaranteed not just a quality product but a total quality experience as well. This will be achieved through a combination of a strict set of Quality Assurance certifications and the AmigaOS only being available to licensed solution providers for the shipping of combined hardware and software solutions.

From the top of the company to the bottom, we are committed to championing the cause of quality for the consumer and will ensure that substandard products do not make it into the Amiga market where they can do irreparable damage to the reputation of the platform. Licencees will have to develop and resource a full customer solution, with guarantees on product quality, delivery, and most important of all post sales support, with firm commitments to repair, replacement and turnaround, elements that have blighted the platform over the last five years.

In addition, the close co-operation between Amiga Inc and solution licencees will ensure the tightest binding of the software to the hardware, providing the highest possible performance and providing the basis for rapid development as we move forwards together.

As a result, AmigaOS4 and all future versions will ship only on those hardware products to which Amiga Inc has specifically granted a license after reviewing the capabilities of both the solution provider and their product. The only exclusion to this policy is a temporary measure to support the community members who have invested heavily in existing PPC accelerators and will cover products where an Amiga manufactured or licenced Kickstart ROM is present (for instance A1200/A3000/A4000).

Currently this hardware comprises:
  • Eyetech's AmigaOne series of PPC motherboards
  • Cyberstorm-PPC accelerators by phase 5/DCE
  • Blizzard-PPC accelerators by phase5/DCE

We have also been approached by and are currently in negotiation with the following companies for the licencing of the AmigaOS to allow for a combined hardware and software solution:
  • The Shark card by Elbox
  • PPC accelerator cards for the Prometheus by Matay
  • Merlancia Industries MMC Toro Series

In the case of newly available hardware, including the Eyetech, Elbox and Matay products above, the licence requires that OS4-specific extensions are included in the hardware's boot ROM as an anti-piracy measure. For hardware which is not capable of being used in conjunction with Amiga WB 3.1 (such as the AmigaOne) we will require, as part of the licence conditions, that a copy of Amiga OS is purchased with all boards sold that are capable of running it.

The measures identified above have been put into place after consultation with our partners, developers, dealers and users, and represents a recognition that if the Amiga platform is to become successful again, it needs to exude professionalism and responsibility where the needs of the customer are paramount. With these measures, AmigaOS4 and the new hardware solutions, the Amiga desktop platform is primed to move forwards.

Bill McEwen
Amiga Inc
Snoqualmie, WA (ps)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 04:13] [Comments: 0]
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Some software updates
Tales of Tamar Amiga-version 0.42 R6
In the current version the graphics of the middle cavalry have been added. Besides this some bugs have been fixed.

Alfie - Some software updates
On the Amiga homepage of Alfie some of his tools have been updated and some other ones have been added. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Apr. 2002, 17:20] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

MI News - New Icon Sets
The following new archives are available on the MasonIcons homepage:
  • ApacheMI - over 150 filetype images for Apache Servers
  • CutNPasteMI - small brush anims for CutNPaste (DOpus Magellan)
  • muiMI - an image set for MUI 3.8 (based on VisualMI)
Visit Mason.Home for further informations and previews. (ps)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 22:16] [Comments: 0]
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Rakesh & Sharwin (ANF)

Coyote Flux explanation concerning GFX-Base interview
Dear People,

As promised there would be some details announced considering the "Supercomputer" system that we have said we are working on. In this case there has to be said that the system that has been referred to is the Pegasos from bplan. Our company Thendic-France has retained bplan to miniaturize the Pegasos to make a handheld "Supercomputer".

Rakesh & Sharwin

PS: Only the English link works at the moment, the French will be online soon. (ps)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 20:48] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Catweasel ISA: Image-write utility
The following news cannot be disseminated without a sense of irony: 66 months since the initial release of the Catweasel ISA, we're publishing a free tool for writing disks with the controller. The aplha-version currently supports Amiga disks only, and it runs on DOS or in a DOS box of Win95/98. For easy porting to other operating systems, and for educational purposes, the source is included.

Download: (25 KB) (ps)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 17:45] [Comments: 0]
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Timo Kloss (E-Mail)

Development System for Graphic Adventures: Inga-Engine Version 1.02ß/7 u.m.
A new update is available for "Inga," the development system for graphic adventures. It has to do with the number five, which has been around for a few days already. Indeed, two small mistakes in the application have been overcome today.

Inga-Engine Version 1.02ß/7 (Beta)
  • Disappearing pointer error: fixed.
  • Absence of cdplay library caused an error message, even when the audio-CD support was deactivated: fixed.

Inga-Engine Version 1.01ß/7 (Beta)
  • Command "SpielEnde" (GameEnd) to exit the system.
  • Messages (for example "Abbruch" (Quitting)) on the top window edge disappear, when entering a new area.

ScriptShell Version 1.11
  • The game logging data is saved quicker.

InutilisGraphics Version 1.05
  • The entry of the name data is saved in a more sensible way. For example when you load an ilbm-data then save it, the original name appears automatically.
  • All the animation data is loaded with the corresponding picture.

OrtEditor (AreaEditor) Version 1.11
  • The small buffer caused a crash: fixed.
(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 15:06] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp (E-Mail)

GFX-Base: Interview with Günter Horbach (KDH-Datentechnik)
As was happily reported yesterday, E.p.i.c. Interactive is, surprisingly, porting a game to AmigaOS. To be clear, the porting of Software Tycoon is in the planning stages. The credit for this must go to the persuasive powers of merchant Guenter Horbach (KDH-Datentechnik).

GFX-Base talked about this with Günter Horbach and has made the interview available in German and English. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 12:12] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Tool: BACK-IT-ALL-UP Version 6.8
Collin Wenzel has made Version 6.8 of his Backup-Tools ´BACK-IT-ALL-UP´ available. You can back up your entire hard-drive. The program supports up to eight partitions. AmigaOS 3.1 is required.

The new version supports hard-drives with capacities over 4 gigabytes. It has new features, and can be opened in its own window, if desired.

Download: backitallup68.lha (15 KB) (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 12:11] [Comments: 0]
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AMIGAONE report photographs
AFLE.ORG wrote:
"The reporters of the AmigaPower review met the AMIGAONE. Exclusive: new photographs of AmigaOne! French version go to, automated English translation. It is by a week end at agitated time that the team of AmigaPower had appointment with AmigaOne. Alan, Gina and Elsa Redhouse have us thus nicely accueuilli with Quillan (Aude)FRANCE, within a superb framework with the sun......" (ps)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 11:02] [Comments: 1 - 13. Apr. 2002, 11:58]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Filesharing: Audiogalaxy Satellite for AmigaOS
AudioGalaxy behaves in accordance with an established peer-to-peer file-sharing standard. For Linux there is an open source code named "OpenAG", and it's from this that the Amiga version is created.

The program may be downloaded from the homepage of its author. It should be noted that ixemul.library (at least v48) is required. You can find this on the homepage as well.

For those who are not yet acquainted with AudioGalaxy: the client does not make use of a GUI. It runs strictly as a background task. It's easy to start the program, just create an account at and log in with your web-browser.

The file-searching and the downloading is then handled through your web-browser. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 10:25] [Comments: 0]
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