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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Heise Newsticker

Windows XP Service Pack 2 finished
After a longer period of time the operating system producer Microsoft now announced the finishing of the Service Pack 2 for Windows XP. It is said to be available for download for 25 languages in the coming two months. Alternatively it can be ordered for free on CD. The Service Pack 2 contains for the most parts security relevant improvements that are Microsoft's reaction on the criticism of their security concept for their OS. Read more in the (German) article of the Heise newsticker following the title link. (cs) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2004, 13:08] [Comments: 0]
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Captain HIT (ANF)

Instant Messenger: sixth prerelease of Jabberwocky V1.5
The sixth prerelease of v1.5 of the instant messenger Jabberwocky is now available. New are among other things the gadgets updating for changes done via the ARexx port, opening and closing the datatypes.library only once and reworked sound routines.

Download: Jabberwocky_aos_v1_5pre6.lha (82 KB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2004, 09:47] [Comments: 0]
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06.Aug.2004 (ANF)

PPC-Linux: First preversion of Yellow Dog Linux 4
Terra Soft Solutions has published a first preversion of its PPC-Linux-distribution "Yellow Dog Linux Release 4". The preversion runs on Apple Macintosh computers with G3-, G4- or G5- (PPC 970) processors.

So far only a 32-Bit-version has been planned and the 64-Bit-modus of the PowerPC G5 is being not supported currently. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2004, 21:52] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

SN-EuroArchiv I: V1.6 published / DKG II-Status
SN-EuroArchiv I V1.6 is available on my homepage. You can now limit all statistics to one year or month to show only the whole statistic of e.g. August 2004. This limitation can be also linked with the "free choice gadget" which has been added in the last version.

DKG II-status: I only have to finish the buying of buildings of competitors. Then a proper test of the new routines of the real game (and not the debug version) must be done to see if it is all right. I think during the next seven days a new release will be published. If you want to know what features have been added in the new version then have a look at the status-website. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2004, 11:56] [Comments: 0]
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Thilo Köhler (ANF)

Various Software Updates by Thilo Köhler
Thilo Köhler released the following updates to his programs:
  • Sample Manager 1.3 - AHI sample editor in the AudioMaster style with DSP effects
  • PosTED 1.3 - Memory aid for Workbench in the style of PostIT!
  • TuiTED 1.3 Alpha - Text editor with data browser and syntax highlighting for HTML, C++, AmiBlitz
  • TKPlayer 1.3 - Mini-AHI-player for mp3, aiff, wav, maud, 8svx, cdda. ideal for Def-Icons or for a filer on account of the fact that it has no extensive GUI. New: TKPlayer Lite, which doesn't open a GUI at all and therby may be utilized as a soundplayer in programs such as YAM.
  • AsteroidsTR 1.2 - Asteroids clone with global Internet highscore List. New: improvements to the Internet highscore list and better compatibility with MorphOS
  • ArTKanoid 2.9 - Arkanoid clone for the WB screen w 24 bit skins. New: more sound skins, bugfixes
The named software is available under the title link or on Aminet, after the next Aminet refresh. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2004, 19:07] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Barthel & Matthias Rustler

Sourceforge Project for "clib2"
"clib2" is a C library that's used in OS4 wherever the alternative "newlib" is not. Olaf Barthel has worked on this library for two years, originally with the goal of using it for the port of Samba 2.2.5.

In the meantime a lot more has happened: An almost complete ISO-C (1994) compatible runtime environment with fully available source code. It may be used with GCC (68k und PowerPC) or SAS/C. Whoever has problems with the StormC runtime library, for example, may have better luck with clib2 (assuming an adaptation to this compiler has been made).

Because such a big project is not without bugs after two years, Olaf would be pleased to have the support of more developers. To this end the clib2 project has been hosted on for the past few weeks. (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2004, 12:44] [Comments: 0]
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05.Aug.2004 (Webseite)

MorphOS Adaptations of MUIFind and Altabber, Devedie Update
The programs Altabber and MUIFind are now also available for MorphOS. Relating to that there have been some recent instances of bugs being eliminated that gave the current MorphOS version problems.

And so the graphic user interface of Devedie for DVD display by way of MPlayer has been updated. This may be downloaded for Pegasoshere , in the Pegasos Forum.

MUIFind is a search program taht has the option of opening the found data as well as opening the corresponding program.

Altabber works in principal like Alt+Tab key combinations under Windows. It also enables switching between programs. The way this is done involves separate handling of screens and windows, and the hotkeys are freely configurable.

Altabber-MOS.lha (43 KB)
MUIFindMOS_R2.lha (46 KB) (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2004, 08:19] [Comments: 0]
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