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16 Messages found

Crowdfunding: Book project by David Pleasance - "Dare to Dream" (10. Jul. 2024)
After "Commodore - The Inside Story" and "From Vultures to Vampires", former Commodore UK manager David Pleasance is looking for pre-orders for a third book project at the title link. This time, however, the subject is fictional - "Dare to Dream" invites ...

Italian magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 15 (04. Sep. 2023)
The 15th issue of the Italian publication "Passione Amiga" - 48 pages in color, available as a PDF download or as a printed magazine - features the following topics: Videogiochi: Boxx, Rogue Declan Zero, Pengo500, Night/Shift, Pleiades 3D, ...

Video: "From Vultures to Vampires" from AmigaOS 4 view (01. Sep. 2023)
In his latest video Roman 'kas1e' Kargin dedicates himself to the first two already published volumes of the three-part book series "From Vultures to Vampires" on Amiga history, written by former Commodore-UK manager David Pleasance and by A-EON-Technolog...

Event: Further informationen on AmiWest 2023 (28. Aug. 2023)
From 12 to 15 October 2023, AmiWest 2023 will take place in Sacramento, California. Now the organisers have published further information: "The AmiWest 2023 is coming fast! Going strong since 1998, this year will be the 26th year of the longest-runni...

Book: From Vultures to Vampires, Volume 2 available (09. Jul. 2023)
Two years after volume one of the "From Vultures to Vampires" books about Amiga history by former Commodore UK manager David Pleasance and A-EON Technology co-founder Trevor Dickinson, starting July 14 the second of in total three volumes will b...

Trevor's Amiga Blog: Spring/Fall edition (20. Apr. 2023)
Trevor Dickinson of A-EON Technology has published a new article in his "Trevor's Amiga Blog" and titles it "Spring/Autumn Edition", alluding to his recent stays in England and New Zealand. He reports in detail about the upcoming visits to various tr...

Amiwest: A-EON, Amigakit and ExecSG presentations (23. Oct. 2022)
Traditionally, representatives of the AmigaOS 4/AmigaOne camp are attending AmiWest to give presentations about the current state of affairs and announce the next releases being worked on. This year, Trevor Dickinson and Matthew Leaman from A-EON/Amigakit...

Book: Volume 3 of "From Vultures to Vampires" announced (update) (27. Aug. 2022)
In a video message the former Commodore UK manager David Pleasance announced that the book "From Vultures to Vampires" ( reported), which was originally divided into two volumes, will be extended by a third volume. As he explained, they...

Italian print/PDF magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 6 (11. Apr. 2022)
The Italian magazine 'Passione Amiga' is available in digital (3 Euros) or printed (7.50 Euros) editions. The current issue has 36 colored pages (DIN A4) and covers the following topics: Videogiochi: Attack of the Petscii Robots, Jump!, Ermentrud, Th...

Book: Status update and ordering option for 'From Vultures to Vampires', Volume (16. Mar. 2022)
The first book of the two-volume "From Vultures to Vampires" by former Commodore UK manager David Pleasance and A-EON Technology co-founder Trevor Dickinson on Amiga history was delivered in the middle of last year. The Kickstarter campaign to fund the se...

Trevor Dickinson on: A1222+/Enhancer V2.x/From Vultures to Vampires Vol 2 (13. Jan. 2022)
In response to our inquiry, Trevor Dickinson (A-EON) provided a brief summary of the current status of some projects: A1222plus motherboard Hardware works as expected, including network and audio DVD drive support still problematic at the moment ...

From Vultures to Vampires: Shipping of book by Pleasance and Dickinson (vol. 1) (02. Aug. 2021)
The first volume of "From Vultures to Vampires", a book by the former Commodore UK manager David Pleasance and the A-EON Technology co-founder Trevor Dickinson, is currently shipping to those crowdfunders who pledged for the e-book version. Printing ...

Trevor's Amiga Blog: First volume finished, beta version of DvPlayer in test (19. Jun. 2021)
After more than 10 months Trevor Dickinson from A-EON Technology has written an entry in his Trevor's Amiga Blog again. A large part of it is his report about the work on the two volume book 'From Vultures to Vampires' about the Amiga history, which ...

Book announcement:'From Vultures to Vampires' splitted into two parts (21. Jan. 2021)
Last summer the second book of the former Commodore-UK manager David Pleasance, written together with Trevor Dickinson (A-EON), was successfully financed by a Kickstarter campaign. According to Pleasance in two updates (1, 2), they "seriously underestimat...

Scene World Podcast Episode 91: David Pleasance talked about his new book (03. Jul. 2020)
In the 91th issue of the Scene World podcast, Jörg Dröge and Arthur Heller have interviewed David Pleasance (Commodore UK) talking about his time at Commodore and his new book From Vultures to Vampires. ...

Crowdfunding: A book from David Pleasance and Trevor Dickinson (12. Jun. 2020)
After Commodore - The Inside Story, the former "managing director" of Commodore UK, David Pleasance, is working on a second book, this time in co-operation with Trevor Dickinson from A-EON. The book with the subtitle "From Vultures to Vampires" will tell ...

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