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219 Messages found

Tool: identify-library 41.0 (23. Dec. 2022)
A few moments ago, Richard Körber has released version 41.0 of his identify.library ( reported). Changes: Removed IDTAG_Secondary (has never been fully realized anyway) VMC Amithlon is detected Updated Vampire names Warp1240/1260 is d...

Print magazine: Boing #5 (French) (11. Dec. 2022)
"Boing" is a French print magazine by Boing Attitude (among others Dir Me Up and Word Me Up XXL) for all Amiga systems and contains 52 A4 pages in colour. The fifth issue contains among other things an interview with the musici...

Advent Calendar: Door 4 - The Apollo team (04. Dec. 2022)
For the fourth door and thus for the second Advent, the Apollo team contributes an anecdote. Their approach of FPGA-based turbo cards for Amigas represented a new alternative in terms of upgrading aged hardware besides the accelerator boards carrying a re...

Guest article: Trevor's personal review of the Amiga37 (30. Oct. 2022)
Trevor Dickinson traveled from New Zealand to present A-EON and AAA Technology at Amiga37, which took place two weeks ago. We asked him for his impressions of his stay in Germany and the event, which he has described to us below. Many thanks to Trevor. ...

Event: Amiga Apollo Meetup in Alkmaar (NL) (27. Oct. 2022)
On November 19, the "Amiga Apollo Meetup" will take place in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. Hosted by the Dutch Apollo Vampire user group, all other Amiga and AmigaOne systems are also welcome. Social exchange is the main focus, but there is also enough space ...

Trading simulation with RPG elements: download version of 'Aquabyss' available (24. Oct. 2022)
The trading simulation 'Aquabyss' (screenshots, video), which was released at Amiga 37 a week ago, is now also available in the developer's web shop for just under 30 euros . The one-week delay was caused by problems with payment provider Paypal, which ha...

Amiwest: A-EON, Amigakit and ExecSG presentations (23. Oct. 2022)
Traditionally, representatives of the AmigaOS 4/AmigaOne camp are attending AmiWest to give presentations about the current state of affairs and announce the next releases being worked on. This year, Trevor Dickinson and Matthew Leaman from A-EON/Amigakit...

Amiga37: Information on exhibitors and its booths (update 5) (24. Sep. 2022)
There are still three weeks to go until Amiga37 in Mönchengladbach. For all those who were able to get hold of a ticket, we asked some exhibitors what visitors can expect at the respective booths, if there are any special events planned etc. AAA Tech...

Real-time strategy: Update of Vanilla Conquer (16. Sep. 2022)
Artur Jarosik had released version 1.0 of his port of the first part of the real-time strategy series Command & Conquer to the Amiga in May ( reported). Now he has released a separate version ("") for Amigas without Vampi...

Apollo-Core: Pre-Release 2.16 for Vampire accelerator boards 600 V2 and 500 V2 (28. Aug. 2022)
The Apollo core is an FPGA reimplementation of Motorola's m68k series. This update brings version 2 of the Vampire accelerator boards closer to version 4. Changes: ColorPort: fixes incorrect color display in certain games TEX: AMMX instruction for d...

Book: Volume 3 of "From Vultures to Vampires" announced (update) (27. Aug. 2022)
In a video message the former Commodore UK manager David Pleasance announced that the book "From Vultures to Vampires" ( reported), which was originally divided into two volumes, will be extended by a third volume. As he explained, they...

Two new OmniPort multiport adapters for Amiga 1200 (07. Aug. 2022)
Press release: Alinea Computer is pleased to offer two new versions of the OmniPort multiport adapter for the Amiga 1200 ( reported). On the one hand, it is a version for the Vampire 2 accelerator and on the other hand, one for the ScanPl...

Jump'n Run: Demo version of NinjFeratu (01. Aug. 2022)
The busy developers of Amiten Games - among others 'EmotiWorld' and 'CyberPunk Alien City' ( reported) - are in the process of writing another Jump'n Run for Amigas called 'NinjFeratu' using their 'AmiGen' game engine (YouTube video). A demo ...

Apollo-Team: Manticore accelerator board for Amiga 600 announced (13. Jul. 2022)
In addition to the currently already available turbo cards FireBird (for the Amiga models 500, 1000 and 2000) and IceDrake (for the Amiga 1200), which are based on the core of the Vampire 4 ( reported) the Manticore for the Amiga 600 is now a...

Apollo-Team: Two other games announced (13. Jul. 2022)
Kevin Saunders, graphic designer, artist and game designer (e.g. Boss Machine and RESHOOT PROXIMA 3) has given a taste of two games that are each being developed in collaboration with the Apollo team in two blog posts on Patreon: Work has already beg...

Apollo Space Invaders: Eighth developer version of the remake (08. Jul. 2022)
Arne von Boehn is writing a Space Invaders remake in 68K assembler on a Vampire4 standalone ( reported). Besides a new preview video there is also a new developer version for testing. As Gunnar explains, the game is playable,...

Italian Print/PDF magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 8 (24. Jun. 2022)
The Italian magazine 'Passione Amiga' is available in digital (3 Euro) or printed (7,50 Euro, Amazon) form. Its current issue consists of 36 color pages and includes the following topics: COVERDISK: World Premiere Playable Demo of SNAKY - T...

Video preview: Space Invaders Remake (20. Jun. 2022)
Arne von Boehn is writing a Space Invaders remake in 68K assembler on a Vampire4 standalone. The state of the game shown in this preview video was programmed in one day. It is not quite finished but already playable. Under the title link you can download ...

Real-time strategy: Vanilla Conquer with 'Mission Pack' support (07. Jun. 2022)
Artur Jarosik is known for various game ports like the platformer Hydra Castle Labyrinth or the action adventure Heart of Darkness besides his SDL implementation of the browser NetSurf. As a contribution for the AmiGameJam he started to port the first par...

Competition: 'Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam' started (01. Jun. 2022)
Today indie game developer Dan 'zooperdan' Thoresen (Wheel of Fortune implementation 'YAWoFFA') started the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam: until September 1st 2022 Amiga developers are invited to write and submit games in AmiBlitz or Blitz Basic (amiga-news....

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