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Amiforce (ANF)

Abakus-Design: AMHuhnXE and more
Update now published
The update to AMHuhn1.1 is released now and is directly downloadable for everyone. This means registration is also not possible that way anymore. Who likes to have AMHuhnXE for Christmas time anyway is pleased to use the contact form and to send an email to the webmaster "Cj-Stroker".

AMHuhnXE just about to be published
The Xmas edition of AMHuhn is to be finished actually and available within the next days. The accounts for the registered users are set up right now and will be delivered after the release. We hope to get all this done straightly so everyone will get it some time before Christmas. The accounts will be deliverd in order to the receivement of the registrations.

Future related
For coming projects we will try to support the 68k as long as possible. In the future there will be support not only for the 68k but also for AmigaOS4. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2002, 15:23] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Knäbel (E-Mail)

bplan GmbH thanks for the Amiga Award 2002
At the ARC 2002 the price for the most innovative product and for special effords during the year 2002 was awarded to the bplan GmbH by Nico Barbat from Falke Media Verlag, publisher of the AMIGAplus. We would like to thank all participants and are georgeously proud of this award.

As a Christmas present you may get the film "Making April" by the following link It's 12 MB Qicktime format.

We wish all visitors of our website a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2002, 02:01] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Award 2002 for the bplan GmbH and Chris Hodges
Important and eventful twelve months have passed the Amiga community. Several new products which will smooth the way for the Amiga saw the light of the world in the year 2002. With the Amiga Award 2002 the Amiga community says, together with the AMIGAplus, "thank you" for these effords!

Amiga Award 2002

During thre AMIGA + Retro Computing 2002 at the 8th of December 2002 the Amiga Award 2002 for the most innovative product of the year 2002 was awarded to the bplan GmbH . The company, situated in Frankfurt/Main, has developed during the last two years the new µATX sized PowerPC mainboard "Pegasos" ready to introduce to the marked.
    The Amiga Award 2002 was presented to Thomas Knäbel and Gerald Carda as deputies for the bplan GmbH by Nico Barbat, editor of the AMIGAplus.
    "We would like to thank all participants and are georgeously proud of this award." said Thomas Knäbel, managing director of the bplan GmbH.

Amiga Award 2002 Extra

Beside the main category the 2200 participants voted for the Amiga Award 2002 Extra also.
    As a representative for the shareware programmers Chris Hodges was honoured for the development of his USB stack "Poseidon". This award was remunerated with EUR 250,- and was made possible by the financial encouragement of Genesi.

Amiga Award 2002 - Free votes

The free votes were won by the Pegasos for "Best Amiga hardware 2002", Amithlon for "Best Amiga software 2002" and Tales of Tamar for "Best Amiga game 2002".

Statistics and winnings

All particiapants have the chance to win one of the winnings of a totally worth more than EUR 1000 including an Amiga 1200/060 sponsored by eXpreSystems and some games and applications. The winners will be announced on December the 20th 2002.
    The Amiga-Award-Team of falkemedia and the AMIGAplus is looking forward to the Amiga Award 2003 already and thanks for the good participation and gratulates all winners and nominees for their Amiga encouragement once again!
    P.S.: At the website of the Amiga Award 2002 there are photos of the ceremony and the Amiga Award 2002 and additional statistics. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2002, 01:54] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Hodges (email)

Chris Hodges: Time to say goodbye!
In his known humorous way Chris Hodges tells us that he'll be on vacation for the next seven weeks. He'll be in New Zealand till 2003, 24th January and has today uploaded an update for Poseidon with some bug fixes. Here's the original message:

Dear Poseidon users,

I'm leaving the Amiga. Yes, I've had enough of all that fighting and bitching. Instead, I'll try to live on a green island with lots of sheep. Good bye and farewell!

Now get up from the floor, stop crying, I'm only off to New Zealand for about seven weeks of vacation and I will return to my one and only true love (currently, just my Amiga :( ) on 24th January 2003. But before I'm leaving on a jet plane, I've uploaded a small update of Poseidon for your benefit. Not much has changed, however, a few bugfixes reported by some of you have been incooperated. See changelog for details.

As I'm away from my machine, don't write private emails, if you have any problems. Please use the Yahoo Mailing List instead, there are a lot of people who could give a hand.

So, please enjoy the time off, I will certainly do so. And don't forget to use Trident regularily >>>;-) (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 22:54] [Comments: 1 - 08. Dec. 2002, 21:23]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

ARC 2002 News: FroggerNG at Amiga Arena / FTW available
You can buy the popular multimedia player "FroggerNG" version 2.0 on the Amiga + Retro Computing 2002. The version of the fair will contain a temporally limited keyfile. After the fair you will get your personal keyfile via email or post for free (they still just have to be generated).

Demo CD available

Each customer will additionally get a special fair demo version with the products of the Fun Time World and of Amiga Arena. You can buy this demo CD for 2,- Euro but if you will buy one of our products this amount will be credited you later! So you have the possibilty to test our products! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 22:46] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: SVGA-driver and mascot Kitty
AMIGAplus wrote:
There is the first beta version of the new SVGA-graphic driver for the operating system AROS which can be activated over the boot menu. The driver may not work on some computers but nevertheless it shows what can be graphically possible. The current used 4bit VGA modus is supposed to be substituted by the 16bit or 32bit SVGA modus.

Besides this Eric W. Schwartz has given the AROS project a mascot: Kitty should be worth a look. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 12:15] [Comments: 0]
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