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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

FREE Virus Help Team Maillist
When the Virus Help Denmark web was down due to the changing of Internet providers, we had to close the VHT-Denmark maillist. Now we want to bring it back to all of you (a lot of people have been asking for it). But Charlene of the Canadian Virus Help Team, has a maillist, and we don't want to a have two maillists that writes the same things. So the Virus Help Team maillist will be up at Charlene's Canadian VHT maillist.

If you join this maillist, you will receive emails about new updates of all the great Amiga antivirus programs (ect. VirusZ, VirusExecutor, Mill and xvs.library). You will also receive an email when a new virus or trojan is found. Notices can only come from list operators, which is Charlene of VHT-Canada or myself Jan of VHT-Denmark.

You can also see the maillist on-line at this webaddress: VHT at Yahoo:

You can join the maillist at the two Virus Help Team's websites: VHT Canada : VHT Denmark :

Or you can write an empty email to this email to subscribe to the maillist: (ps)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 22:56] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Award 2002: Reminder
Don't forget: Until Friday the 6th of December, 3 o'clock pm you can vote for he Amiga Award 2002 and the Amiga Award 2002 Extra! Honour with that together with the AMIGAplus two members of the Amiga community for special efforts during the last 12 months! (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 14:44] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark started new Amiga forum
Jan Andersen:
Today we have started a new service for you all, and that is the new "Virus Help Team Forum". Here you can write and ask about Amiga viruses or anti-virus programs, or you can even help other Amiga users with problems, that might not be caused by virus, who knows, that is up to all of you. We will check the forum as much as we can, to help you out if you have any problems with viruses or anti-virus programs on your Amiga. You can find a link to the "VHT Forum" here: (ps)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 19:53] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Lotto / BabeAnoid News / Aqua-Demo
Many of you will still remember the demo version of the Breakout clone "BabeAnoid" by Richard Fhager. After he stopped the development due to disappointing feedback, I am pleased to be able to announce that the work was taken up again and even an other PD game will be developed. Richard Fhager is among other things well-known as the author of games like "Dawn video Poker", "Titris", "Spaceball2000". I can appeal only again and again to you to send a short E-Mail to the developers if you like one of the mentioned programs!

Aqua - Demoversion Light
A new demo version of the adventure "Aqua" is now available. This playable demo (9MB) contains no animations and intros. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 13:08] [Comments: 0]
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KDH News (ANF)

USB: 'Thankyou' to all USB HIGHWAY owners
KDH Datentechnik writes:
"On the occasion of the Amiga und Retro Messe in Aachen, E3B and KDH would like to thank the owners of the USB card HIGHWAY. With your purchase you have been supporting an innovative product on the Amiga Classic.

As a small thankyou we are offering the owners of the HIGHWAY card the chance to win a NORWAY Ethernet card. At the Amiga und Retro Messe on 07/08 December in Aachen we will draw a winner on both show days.
Prerequisite for the participation in the prize drawing is that the registration card for the USB HIGWAY card has been filled out, sent in and has been received by us. All registration cards received by us until 6th December 2002 are eligible.
All decisions are final. The draw will be carried out by KDH Datentechnik and E3B." (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2002, 17:15] [Comments: 0]
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freecd (E-Mail)

freeCD: Almost Real, Digital Postcard System, Racer
With 'Almost Real - The Directors Cut' (Amiga), a new CD has been released in the freeCD series. The 'Digital Postcard System' (WWW) allows deferred sending of holiday cards, and the CD 'Racer' (Linux, Mac, Windows) is announced for February 2003. In case of enough interest, a port of this car simulation to Amiga systems is possible.

Almost Real - The Directors Cut (Amiga)
This CD contains flight simulations and further material on the theme of flying. In this version, the flight simulation 'flightcontrol' has been added. Additionally there are now paper models of various military aircraft as well as photos of the Airbus A320 and the Ju52.

Digital Postcard System (WWW)
This system allows to write the holiday cards already before leaving and later have them sent automatically by the computer.

Photos of Argentine, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Belgium, animals, general places as well as greeting cards are included. Furthermore, own photos may be uploaded.

Racer (Linux, Mac, Windows)
'Racer' is a simulation for cars, which very accurately simulates different cars from the domains classics, race cars and street cars. The cars can be tested on tracks like Indianapolis and Le Mans.

Expected release date for this CD is February 2003 for Linux, Mac and Windows. AmigaOS and MorphOS developers interested in a conversion are welcome and may contact freeCD.

Further information on the products as well as supply sources are accessible through the title link. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2002, 16:50] [Comments: 0]
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